If you are looking for the solution of Nokia E5 Earpiece Receiver Speaker Problem, here's the simple solution we created. The solution below shows the connection line paths of the Nokia E5 Receiver Speaker that may help fix if there is no sound can be heard on it, when a call was made.
You may just need to locate the highlighted components showed on the picture and do some check-up and test procedures. Then follow some step by step procedures we prepared below.
Nokia E5 Earpiece Speaker Jumper Ways Solution
Repair hints for Nokia E5 Not Working Earpiece Speaker Problem:
1. Clean the Earpiece Speaker Terminal contact pads.
2. Check the Receiver speaker using a multimeter or try replacing it with a working speaker.
3. Check/Replace the filter coils and capacitors.
4. Trace its connection from the filter coils down to the terminal contact pads. Apply jumper wire if the connection is cut or open.
5. If the above procedures doesn't fix the problem. The possible problem may lies on the GAZOO IC.
6. Reheat, rework the GAZOO IC, replace if necessary.
Enjoy your repair....