- Recommended method, does not increase the flash counter so you can return the Note to stock if needed for warranty purposes.
First of all, here is a video guide to illustrate the written instructions:
...and now here are the written instructions:
Here is a list of things you will need:- A fully charged Galaxy Note
- A micro USB connection cable
- A Windows PC (I have no experience with doing this on a mac, so for now the guide will only cover Windows)
- The PC will need to have the USB drivers for the Galaxy Note installed:
- If you simply connect the Galaxy Note to the PC with the micro USB cable it will install them
- To be very sure your device will be recognised by Odin connect twice - once with USB debugging enabled, and once without - different drivers are installed depending on the status of debugging (USB debugging is in Settings --> Applications --> Developement)
- If you're still having no luck try also installing the latest version of Samsung's Kies
- The here
- The correct Chainfire Root kernel from here. In order to get the correct one for your firmware you need to go to Settings --> About phone and look at the kernel version. There will be a string there that looks something like this: The bit you need to note down is the text I've helpfully highlighted in yellow. When you look at the file names in the CFRoot post that is linked to here you want the file that corresponds to that, for the KJ4 firmware the filename will look like this:
- Quick update for those finding that their current firmware does not have a corresponding CFRoot kernel: flash a pure stock one with CFRoot support in Odin and you're good to go. Shouldn't increase the flash counter, but even if it did there is now the TriangleAway app from Chainfire to reset it. Happy flashing.
OK, once you've assembled all the required bits follow these steps:- Unzip the
- Unzip the CFRoot kernel, you'll get a .tar file, unzip that file and you should have a zImage file
- Right click the zImage file and select copy
- Open the folder where you extracted the to, within that directory there should be a folder called zImage - paste the zImage file you copied into this folder
- Back out of that folder and you should see a file called "not-rooted-yet.bat" - open that file and you will be greeted with the program that will install the CFRoot kernel and Root the phone
- Connect the micro USB cable to the phone, and then the computer - just plug it in - do not do anything else at this stage
- If you look at the "not-rooted-yet" screen you will see a check list of things that you need to make sure you've done - if you've followed this guide to the letter then you should be good to go, but just run through them again to be on the safe side...
- Now simply follow the instructions within the "not-rooted-yet" screen - first you will see a story about the zergling's progress breaking past your phones security (this will take a few minutes), if that is successful you'll be prompted to hit any key again to install the CFRoot kernel - at the end of that flash your phone will reboot
- Congratulations, your Galaxy Note is now Rooted!!
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