Wordpress finally come with an idea to put an end to security risks of failing to update the CMS. Yes, you heard it correctly, they have added a new feature "Automatic update". The new version 3.7 has no special security bug fixes but they have enabled a good feature that will prevent your CMS being hacked because of outdated versions. Besides the "Updates while you sleep" feature, they have also added a feature to estimate the strength of your password and "support for automatically installing the right language files and keeping them up to date".
This is quite impressive move from Wordpress. At least, from now onwards, the lazy admins no need to care about updating the wordpress whenever there is security release, it will be automatically done. It's just come to mind how many of the lazy admins are going to update to the latest version 3.7! - See more at: http://www.ehackingnews.com/2013/10/wordpress-37-released-for-lazy-admins.html#sthash.RFhH3rXB.dpuf