Create backup of all data. Rooting Voids warranty. Perform each step carefully. We are not responsible for any damage to phone. You have to root your device and have CWM recovery installed for doing this Update.Also maintain atleast 65-70% battery on your device. Disable all antivirus and firewalls too.
How To Install ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM)
- First Root Your Phone
- Next Go to Google play-store to download ClockworkMod ROM manager app.
- Then you have to enable USB Debugging by ; Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging
- After doing these steps correctly, Open ROM Manager App in your Ace
- Now click the “Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery“. This process will download the ROM from ClockWorkMod. Better have Internet connection ready in your device.
- After clicking, you will have to choose your phone model. Select your phone model from list and it will download the ROM. Then Reboot your phone.
"With that you have installed CWM recovery On Ace S5830i"
How To Install JellyBlast:
- Download The JELLYBLASTV3.0.3_Ported_For_S5830I.zip Rom zip file from internet
- Using USB, transfer Downloaded ROM to your SD card.
- Next switch off your phone and reboot into recovery mode.
- To enter recovery mode you have to press HOME+POWER+VOL UP together.
- Move on to custom recovery
- Now select "Install zip from SD card"
- Select " Choose Zip file from SD card"
- Now choose the Downloaded Rom
- Confirm the Selection and wait for the process to end.
- After some time a completed message will appear.
- Select "Reboot System Now" and wait till it reboot.
- Please note that first time rebooting takes quite some time. No need to panic.
- If its reboot again and again then remove battery and again insert it and boot in recovery mode and select reset factory and then select clear cache. After that reboot. It will take 2-5 minutes to show home screen