How To Use Titanium Backup To Save All Your Precious Data
As we all know ,most of the flashing processes in android might wipe out precious data from our devices. Before flashing a custom ROM it is really important to backup necessary information. Most people have very less idea about how to create backups. So i am going to show you how to use 'Titanium Backup"-One of the best backup utilities available for android. It is definetly one of the best Root required app on the market.
But keep in mind that Titanium requires your android device to be rooted.
One of the most amazing feature of titanium is that it can even backup data from the apps, which means that it can save your game progress with your game. How cool is that.
You can also freeze apps such as bloatwares.
Lets' Begin:
If you have seen Titanium for the first time, it will be quite tricky to grasp. First thing to know is that it is available in Google play as two versions:
1. Paid version-Pro
2. Free version
Main difference between Pro and Free versions are listed in the play-store. The additional features are really worth the money, but you would be okay with the free version of the application. You can only have a single backup of an app in the free version. Please keep that in mind.
How To Backup:
After installing Titanium Backup, Press the Backup/restore Button on top middle of the application.
If the icons of apps are visible, then those are already installed and ones greyed out are not installed but are backed up.
To know more about each symbols and icons, just tap menu button and then select Legend from menu. It will display a lot of details regarding what each symbol represents
Now you will be directed to the backup tab.
- Now select the app you need to backup and tap on it. You will now get a menu containing Options like -Backup!, Freeze!, Uninstall!.
- Press Backup button.
As you can see, there is wipe data option along with backup tab. If you press this all the data associated with the app will be erased and lost. So please be careful with it. Normally apps are backed up up with their data, which means if you have a game, then backing up will also save your progress in the game. if the app is backed with its data then, Titanium will show a smile mark on right side of its name. Keep in mind that you can have only a single backup history in free version.You have successfully backed-up an app. Now Lets see how to restore an app
Restore An App:
Now that we have learned how to backup an app, we can now see how to restore this app.
- Now that the app has been backed up, just tap on the app.
- A new tab will open with restore option. Hit Restore. now it will ask whteher to restore the app alone or include data along with it. Do as you want it. It is safer to avoid inclusion of app data as it might lead to the app corruption.
There is another issue. if you back up system apps and then restore them on a newly flashed custom rom. Situation might get ugly. So it safe to leave ssytem apps alone if you are planning to jump to a new rom.
Batch Backup/Restore All
Now you have understood how to backup a single app. But if you have numerous app installed , then the process of backing up each app will be a tedious process indeed.
Fear not, the Devs had these figured out even before we thought about it. They have added a Batch Backup option which enables us to backup a section of apps together.
The same goes for restoring multiple apps. So you can Select Restore All option to reduce efforts considerably.
Batch operation also lets you use some other features like-
Backup Verification, Move / Integrate, Freeze / Defrost (Pro version only), Manipulate Data, Un-install and Delete Backups. Which will come in handy.
Managing System Apps
This feature allows you to freeze an application,
Launch Titanium Backup and wait for the app to initialize.
After the app initializes, tap the Backup/Restore button at the top.Titanium Backup will list all the apps installed on your device, and this list will include the system apps as well.
You can touch on the option Click to edit filters to find your apps easily. For example, if you are trying to uninstall/disable your stock messaging app, set the filter to only display the system applications and type in “message” in the filter by name field. Now tap the app to open the Titanium application option pop-up. On the pop-up you will get the option to either freeze the app or uninstall it.The former option will keep the app in device’s memory but will make it inaccessible to you or to any of the apps installed on your device. Let’s just say that you will never notice the existence of the app. The second option will erase the app from your device altogether and free up the space.
There you go. i think you now understood a little bit on how to use Titanium Backup to create backup of apps in your android device along with its data.
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