100+ Chromium Fonts For Google Nexus 5
We have done many types of customizations on Android devices but this time we have a new one, we have a set of over 100 great and interesting fonts to change your Google Nexus 5's UI font, Just choose the font and Install it to your device. The Method is same for all.
Before You Begin: ( must do )1. TWRP Recovery for Google Nexus 5
Installation:1. Just move the font zip file into the internal storage of device.2. Boot Into the recovery mode.3. Install > Choose the font zip > Swipe to Install and go on . Your desired font will be installed.4. Reboot your device.
Font Name, Screen Shot and Download Links are given below:
Font Name: SansationDownload Link: Sansation.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: AleoDownload Link: Aleo.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: SegeoDownload Link: Segeo.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: LatoDownload Link: Lato.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Open SansDownload Link: OpenSans.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Quick SandDownload Link: Quicksand.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: ExoDownload Link: Exo.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Sony SketchDownload Link: Sonysketch.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Caviar DreamsDownload Link: Caviardreams.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: BauhausDownload Link: Bauhaus.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Roboto CondensedDownload Link: Robotocondensed.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Josefin SansDownload Link: Josefinsans.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Times New RomanDownload Link: Timesnewroman.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: ArvoDownload Link: Arvo.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: FuturaDownload Link: Futura.zipScreen Shot:
Font Name: Nokia Pure
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Font Name: Myriad Pro
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Font Name: Klinic Slab
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Font Name: Century Gothic
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Font Name: Helvetica
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Font Name: Komika
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Font Name: Arch Rival
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Font Name: Expletus Sans
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Font Name: Helvetica Neue
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Font Name: Ubuntu
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Font Name: Cartoonist Hand
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Font Name: Engebrechtre
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Font Name: Roboto Slab
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Font Name: Cartoonist Hand All Caps
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Font Name: Signika
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Font Name: Trebuchet MS
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Font Name: Covington
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Font Name: Sony Xperia
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Font Name: Florence Sans All Caps
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Font Name: Corporate Rounded
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Font Name: Cantarell
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Font Name: Biko
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Font Name: Helvetica S
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Font Name: Rosario
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Font Name: Helvetica Neue Condensed
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Font Name: Josefin Slab
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Font Name: Rosemary
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Font Name: Typograph Pro
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Font Name: Roboto Light
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Font Name: Continuum
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Font Name: Calibri
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Font Name: Merriweather Sans
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Font Name: Roboto Bold Italic
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Font Name: Android Logo Font
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Font Name: Economica
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Font Name: Open Sans Condensed Light
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Font Name: Cocon
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Font Name: Olney
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Font Name: Juice Italic
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Font Name: Essence Sans
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Font Name: Brixton
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Font Name: Roboto Thin
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Font Name: Webly Sleek UI
Download Link: Weblysleekui.zip
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Font Name: Roboto Bold
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Font Name: Kontrapunkt
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Font Name: Tertre
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Font Name: Plentiful
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Font Name: Lucida Calligraphy
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Font Name: Avenir
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Font Name: Square
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Font Name: Aleo Light
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Font Name: Dolce Vita
Font Name: Monako
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Font Name: Chivo
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Font Name: Oswald
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