Get The Nexus 5 Experience On Your Motorola Moto X Without Root
Motorola Moto X was by default with Android 4.2.2 Jellybean, if some one cant update it but want the Nexus 5 Experience on their Moto X, so here is the solution to get the real nexus 5 Experience on the Moto X, it is very easy, even no need to root your phone or do some pro mods. Follow the easy steps you are done.
Downloads:1. Velvet.apk2. Launcher.apk
Installation:1. Download the above both apk files.2. Move the apk files to the internal storage of your Moto X.3. Install the both apk files.4. Select the New Launcher as your Default Home by taping Home.5. Enjoy the New Experience of your phone