How To Increase/Boost Volume To 150% On HTC One M8
You may have used some smartphone and other PDA device which have differs from each other and the sound quality as too, some of the sound quality is high some of them is low and some of theme are others types. Now the HTC One M8 comes with a better sound quality as compared to the previous version. But if you are still tired of the default HTC sound quality at 100% so this is the solution. If you want to Boost/Increase the volume quality from 100% to even 150% so this is the place you have reached to.
Here is mod which will Boost the volume of your HTC One M8 from 100% to 150% then you can play music beat your fellow friends with this increased volume quality. To boost your HTC One M8 volume quality just perform these simple steps you are done.
Before You Begin:(must do)1. You should first flash a custom Recovery on HTC One M8, please go to: Flash CWM Recovery On HTC One M8.
Downloads:1. (another mirror)
Installation:1. Now download the above zip file.2. Move the zip file to your internal storage of your device.3. Restart you phone in recovery mode by press and hold, Volume Down + Power Button, don't leave the buttons until you see a white color Hboot menu, then click on recovery. Your phone will start in recovery mode.4. Now in recovery mode, Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard and find the zip file where you downloaded it before. Click that file and then click Yes to proceed.5. After installation reboot your system and enjoy the Volume.