Neat ROM TouchWiz 4.4.2 KitKat ROM For Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100
Samsung Galaxy S2 is still a durable device to use. It is only updated to Android 4.1.2 Jellybean from Samsung, but now the latest devices are getting taste of latest KitKat version. But thanks to developers who make this awesome ROMs and latest builds for us, which is even not updated from their manufacturers. We have got a new ROM called "Neat ROM" which was based on Android 4.4.2 KitKat but the User Interface was based on Google's stock AOSP UI.
Now we have got the other version of this Neat ROM which is based on Android 4.4.2 KitKat and fully TouchWiz UI, it have a very deep customization settings such as you can change icon packs, themes, system UI etc. It is fully customizable and feature full.
Features:- May 7, 2014
- NeatROM for Samsung Galaxy S2 I9100
- Build Date: Mon Dec 23 21:28:58 KST 2013
- Modem: XXMS4
- CSC: FOPLS6 Multi
- Change List: 1497824
- Available languages in Rom: Catala, Cestina, Dansk, Deutsch, Eesti, English (Australia), English (United Kingdom), English (United States), Espanol, Estonian, Euskera, Francais, Galego, Hrvatski, Icelandic, Irish, Italiano, Kazakh, Latviesu, Lietuviu, Macedonian, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk bokmal, Polski, Portugues, Romana, Slovencina, Slovenscina, Suomi, Svenska, Turkce, Uzbek, Greek, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, Korean
- Fully Deodexed
- Zipaligned
- Rooted
- BusyBox
- SuperSU
- EFS auto backup
- Disabled boot sounds
- New Tweaks
- More Optimized
- Increase Contacts adding for the message (1000 contacts instead of 10 contacts)
- No Auto Converting messages to MMS
- Enabled Camera Sound Menu
- No Call Ring Delay
- 4 Way Reboot
- Enabled All Languages
- Enabled All Languages For Samsung Keyboard
- Faster GPS Lock
- Enabled Sensor Aiding For Fast GPS Lock
- Enabled More Contacts (999)
- Disabled Scrolling Cache
- Init.d Support
- MultiWindow (Enabled all Apps)
- Skip signatures check
- Call Recording
- New Arabic Font
- HD Voice
- Enabled Input Method Notification
- Cleaned Build.prop
- Removed More Apps/Libs
- More Bloatware Removed
- NeatROM Boot Animation v4
- Torch on Lockscreen
- Choose any color for Status Bar
- Choose any color for Clock
- Choose Left, Center, Right or no Clock
- Show/Hide AM/PM
- Set AM/PM size
- Show/Hide Day
- Set Day size
- 23 Stock Toggles
- S4 Wallpapers
- NeatROM Wallpaper
- Ink Effect
- Fixed AOSP Lockscreen (Disabled Ripple Effect when AOSP is selected)
- CRT-OFF Toggle
- Stock Lockscreen Toggle
- Ripple Lockscreen Toggle
- AOSP Lockscreen with SMS/Phone shortcuts Toggle
- Brightness Slider Toggle (Show/Hide)
- Edge Zoom Toggle
- 2g/3g Toggle
- Back/Menu to Kill Toggle
- Skip Track Toggle
- Modded Mms (Sent Time instead of Received Time)
- Enabled Hidden Call/Message Settings
- Enabled Hidden USB Settings
- USB Unmount Wakelock
- Fixed CRT-OFF
- New Battery Animations
- Added Recent Button
- Added Screenshot in Power menu
- Added Recovery in Power menu
- Power menu - Power Off Toggle
- Power menu - Data Mode Toggle
- Power menu - Airplane Mode Toggle
- Power menu - Screenshot Toggle
- Power menu - Recovery Mode Toggle
- Power menu - Restart Mode Toggle
- Smart Rotation Toggle
- AOSP Lockscreen vibration Toggle
- IME Switcher icon on Status Bar Toggle
- Alarm Clock icon Toggle
- Traffic meter on Status Bar Toggle
- Traffic meter on Status Bar Color Picker
- New Black Themed LidroidSettings app Integrated in Settings
- New version of the S4 Toggles Integrated in Settings - Customizable
- Power button on SB ON/OFF Toggle
- Notification Panel Color Picker
- New Aroma installer
- Deodexed using latest smali/baksmali
- Zipaligned using latest SDK
- Modded Camera (Removed Camera Battery Warnings)
- Wallpaper Scrolling
- White Status Bar Icons
- New VPN
- Themed SystemUI
- Themed framework
- New Fonts - Fixed
- S4 MultiWindow
- S4 Calculator
- New Brightness Slider
- New Progress Bar
- Automatically Send/Receive MMS
- Clear All Recents Button
- New Large Apn List
- LockScreen Torch Toggle
- Status Bar Buttons Toggle (Home, Recent, Home+Recent, None)
- Battery Mod Toggle (33 different icons to use for your battery)
- Restart SystemUI action after choosing one of the toggles
- Added Portuguese to the Settings
- Added Quick Unlock Toggle on PIN/Password
- Added Lockscreen Rotation Toggle
- NeatROM Control (Integrated in Settings)[/COLOR]
- NeatROM Update (Integrated in Settings)
- Wallpaper Scrolling Toggle
- Exit Browser Toggle
- Call Button in Logs Toggle
- Contacts Photos Toggle
- Battery Low Notification Toggle
- Traffic Meter Location Toggle
- AccuWeather Color Picker
- Full Screen Lock
- Added TW Rotation Toggle
- Enabled Camera During Call
- Added Battery Bar Toggle
- Added Battery Bar Color Picker
- Added Battery Bar Style
- Added Battery Bar Thickness
- Added Battery Bar Animation
- SuperSU v1.94
- S5 Wallpapers
- New NeatROM Wallpaper
- Fixed Clock (Circle Lock Landscape)
- Fixed Clock (Ripple Lock Landscape)
- Fixed Clock (Pattern Lock Landscape)
- Fixed Clock (Pin/Password Lock Landscape)
- Other minor changes and fixes
- Option to install:
- Lite ROM + Bloatware
- Extra Lite ROM + Bloatware
- Full ROM - Kernels:
- XWMS3-5.15.9-PhilZ
- Apolo Light v4
- Apolo Regular v4.14 - Enable/Disable - NeatROM Bootanimation
- NeatROM Bootanimation v1
- NeatROM Bootanimation v2
- NeatROM Bootanimation v3
- NeatROM Bootanimation v4
- Stock Bootanimation - Connection Mode
- Mass Storage - Choose the Apps you want to Install:
- Gmail
- Google Feedback
- Google Play Services
- Google Search
- Google Text-To-Speech
- Google Plus
- Google Drive
- Hangouts
- Magazines
- Maps
- Picasa Uploader
- Play Games
- YouTube
- Language Files (tts, sipdb, hdic)
- Accuweather
- All Share
- Bluetooth
- ChatON
- Clock
- Days
- Divx
- Email
- Face Lock
- Factory Test
- FM Radio
- Sansung Fonts
- Fota
- Group Cast
- Samsung Hubs
- Kies
- Kobo
- Live Wallpapers
- S Memo
- Mini Diary
- Mobile Print
- Mobile Tracker
- Music Player
- Pick Up Tutorial
- Polaris Viewer
- Press Reader
- Samsung Apps
- S Cloud
- SIM Toolkit
- Software Update
- Sys Cope
- Talkback
- Trim App
- Video Player
- Voice Command
- Voice Recorder
- Yahoo
- Zinio
- Alarm Clock
- Favorite App
- Favorites
- S Planner
- Program Monitor
- CWM Manager app
- DropBox
- Flash Player
- Swype - Choose the Toggles you want to Install:
- 10 Toggles
- S5 Stock Toggle - - All the Apps/Mods/Themes in one place

- NeatEfs App
- and many more...
To get this awesome ROM on your device just follow the below steps:
Before You Begin: (must do)1. You should first flash a custom Recovery on your Galaxy S2, please go to: Flash CWM Recovery On Galaxy S2.
Installation:1. Download the above ROM zip file.2. Move the ROM zip file to your internal storage of your device.3. Restart your phone in recovery mode by press and hold Volume Up + Power Button + Home Button at the same time, don't leave the buttons until you see the Samsung logo, then leave all buttons your device will boot in recovery mode.4. Now in recovery mode Wipe data/cache/factory reset5. Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard and find the ROM zip file where you put it before. Click that file and then click Yes to install it.6. During installation Follow on screen instructions.7. After installation Reboot your system & Enjoy ROM.
Screen Shots: