Cook Rom 4.1.2 for sky a760s a770k |
- Prefer for
flash rom stock- Procedure : Root -> install Recovery -> Flash rom mod on Recovery . If you are not familiar with the recovery and rom through recovery, by reference to the article
Basic of recoveryStep by step
1. Root - recovery for SKY A760 - A770 android 4.1.2 JellyBean
- Download tool root - recovery (file apk) .
Link downDownload finished installing on the phone like a normal software, refer to the following article if you do not know how to install the software from your computer to your Android phone
Install apps apk from pc- Open apps on phone
+) Root: Click root, Framaroot will be download and install automatics . Open Framaroot ,choose install SuperUser, click gandalf , success .. then ok , restart phone for complete root
Framaroot - Dùng root máy |
- After reboot , Install recovery by program installed2. Roms mod 4.1.2 for sky a760s a770kNote: the mod roms in this guide is based 4.1.2 so only allows up this rom when the phone is in Stock 4.1.2
To flash the rom, you read about the introduction rom, then download and copy to the internal memory of the phone.
How to Flash a mod rom
Step 1 : in to Recovery
- 4 wipe ( Data , Cache , Dalvik Cache, battery start )
- Fomat ( System_p; System; Data; Cache )
Step2 : Install zip mod rom
step 3 : 4 wipe agian , then reboot system now
Some rom suggestions2.1. Rom Mio v1-beta base Sphinx
Link DownNote: with this rom after flash rom complete, restart the phone then go to developers Settings. Next go to Control Xposed - Then Select Modules -> Integration of all the items. Done back select Framework select install / update waiting for it ask root then choose agreeing ! then Soft reboot.
2.2 Rom SphinX_LGLauncher LGHome3
Theme diversity
Add Tweaks support the CPU; Ram; Increased smooth ... Messages 160 character
I do not know what else to say, many good and new , experience to know. This Rom Flash simply follow general guidelines
Links SphinX-LG2.3 Rom SphinX-IRonMod Launcher Iron
Mod 2 default theme A870
can run on the Sky A77x
Mod skyseting from 7 cells to 6 cell
Remove Internet calls
Machine running smoothly, no errors, strong signal Wifi-3G
Pin very good
Link Rom
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