Up rom Binx Stock for Sky Pantech Korea |
There are many methods to original rom binx, most other methods are complicated or time consuming, so I chose the easiest way, the fastest is to use Sky Flash Tool to guide you. In case of using the new tool is not working, think of other methods. Phone Sky Pantech no their specialized softwares to communicate with computer, work upgrade rom takes place through Internet browsers Explorer, so on the computer ko need install multiple.
1. The preparation
- Download Driver and Install .
Link Down - Download file
download.inf- Download Stock Rom BINX
- Tool Up rom
Sky_Flash_Tool_2014, Extract to get Folder Sky_Flash_tool_2014 like the image below
Sky_Flash_Tool_2014 |
- Creat Folder name is Phone'name ( See Image below)
- Download.inf file containing the data of the software version of your phone, you edit the contents match the name of the downloaded rom binx
- Sky_home folder where will contain the data necessary for the tools. First copy the file you downloaded above download.inf on sky_home folder, the next in folder you created then copy the file binx rom has downloaded (Ex: Copy the file IM-A860S_S0217144.BINX to the directory IM-A860S). You see the picture below for reference
Folder Sky_home |
Come preparations were completed.
2. Up rom Binx for sky Pantech
- First you you run FixSever.exe file, then run the file Sky_Flash_Tool_2014.exe, the program will run automatically open Internet Explorer, you probably leave it running, it will show a pop up asking you to allow the extension install ok, time on the Internet Explorer browser figure out what this is ok
IE up rom binx |
- Putting the phone in Download Mode
- Plug In to cable , waiting for the computer recognizes the phone, if enough drivers installed, the computer will recognize quickly.
- Then on Internet Explorer browser , Click 'Nâng Cấp S/W' . waiting for the computer recognizes the phone, if enough drivers installed, the computer will recognize quickly.
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