- Source: nvidia.co.uk
Before You Begin:
- This method works for Nvidia Shield Tablet Only. Don’t try on other devices.
- Make sure that Unknown sources are enable in your device. If not go to Settings > Security > Device Administration > Unknown Source (tick to enable it) .
- Your device must be charged 50% minimum.
- We recommend you to make a backup of your data.
Download Required File:
How To Root Your Device:
- Download and Install TowelRoot application (tr.apk) in your Nvidia Shield Tablet.
- After installation, You'll find TowelRoot application in your App Drawer.
- Now tap on TowelRoot application to launch it in your Nvidia Shield Tablet.
- Once the TowelRoot application opened in your device, you'll see the following screen in your tablet.
- You'll see a option named "make it ra1n" in TowelRoot application, Tap on it to root your tablet.
- After rooting process you'll see the following successful message in your device.
- Go back to App Drawer and you'll find a new app named SuperSU in your Nvidia Shield Tablet like the one below. If SuperSU app don't show install it from Google Playstore.
That's it!! Your Nvidia Shield Tablet successfully rooted now without any computer with TowelRoot application.
How To Flash CWM Recovery In Nvidia Shield Tablet:
- Download the unofficial CWM for your device: cwm-recovery-nvidia-shield-tab.img
- Copy this img file in your device or download directly in your device.
- Download Flashify app from Google Playstore (Click Here for direct link).
- Now install Flashify app and launch it in your device.
- Select CWM img file in app and flash it.
That's it!!
This Screenshots are not from Nividia Tablet but both are same