Rom kikat 4.4 for sky A850 |
Currently, the only sky A850 Binx highest original rom 4.1.2. Since other models turn up android 4.4, the Sky A850 runs kitkat is still very much hope that predictors of brothers using sky A850. there a lot of mod from CM and Port to the A850, but still only finish relative, not really good. A rom has been cherished for projects lasting more than 8 months of the birth, which is the rom kitkat for Team Sky A850 Takecafe done so far was to the improvement.
I quote verbatim introduce rom by Team TakeCafe introduced.

This rom can say is 99% complete and the team will continue to update the version after that.
The functional test and finishing operations: - Camera (Full work, 13MP & 1080p FullHD 30fps)
- GSM, 3G, HSPA + (4G have not tested)
- SDcard: OK
- Micro: OK
- Wifi, Bluetooth OK
- NFC & NFC tag: OK
- Sensors: OK
- And more.
Not working:
- You test team status. (You may tell us!)
Kernel from 21.08.2014
The DC component has been added: - CPU Drivers intellidemand
- CPU Drivers intelliactive
- Drivers Intelli-plug CPU core
- The CPU temperature management Intelli-thermal
- Features sweep2wake - sweep2sleep - dt2w - dt2s
- UV light stability
- Allows adjustment cpu volts by the appropriate program
- Ability to select pulse from 1.944Ghz 192MHz (384MHz default remains - 1.5GHz)
- Simple GPU Drivers
- GPU overclocked to 533MHz
- Reduce screen brightness lowest level since 25 -> 10 (25 am Automatic - not super gulp)
- Drivers complaints IO: SIO, ROW, FIOPS (Default SIO)
- Suitable for the audio drivers FAUXSOUND
- And many other editing ...
Due up rom sketchy instructions and relatively difficult to implement, so today LGVinh please be synthesized and rewrite this tutorial for you for easy handling - along LGVinh experience. Invite you comply with the following guidelines
- First, you run the original rom BINX latest , refer to the instructions
[Hướng Dẫn] Up rom gốc Binx cho Sky Pantech- Download file Below
Link Rom (DU_ef49k_4.4.4_20140825.v7.9-UNOFFICIAL.zip) Link GApps(pa_gapps-modular-mini-4.4.4-20140620-signed.zip) Tool Root -Recovery 4.1 (SKYToolcmb.apk) Recovery kikat 4.4(A850-KK-recovery.zip)2. Implementation stepsSky A850 phones are in the original rom android 4.1.2 latest.- On seting - Devloper Options - Tick the "USB debugging"- Plug the phone into the cab connected to your computer, select MTP mode for PC recognize the internal memory of the phone, proceed to copy files DU_ef49k_4.4.4_20140825.v7.9-UNOFFICIAL.zip, pa_gapps-modular-mini-4.4 .4-20140620-signed.zip, A850-KK-recovery.zip downloaded above into the machine's memory. 2 . Các bước thực hiệnThực hiện trên điện thoại Sky A850 vừa up rom gốc android 4.1.2 mới nhất .
- Vào Seting - Devloper Options - Tick vào "USB debugging"
- Cắm điện thoại vào cab nối với máy tính, chọn chế độ kết nối MTP để máy tính nhận bộ nhớ trong của điện thoại , tiến hành copy các file
DU_ef49k_4.4.4_20140825.v7.9-UNOFFICIAL.zip , pa_gapps-modular-mini-4.4.4-20140620-signed.zip , A850-KK-recovery.zip đã download phía trên vào bộ nhớ trong của máy.
- Install file
SKYToolcmb.apk , open on the program and follow the picture below - Refer tutorials
Công cụ Root Recovery cho các dòng điện thoại Sky .
Root - Recovery cho Sky a850 4.1.2 |
- Chose reboot recovery , install zip file A850-KK-recovery.zip , purpose is to install recovery runs kitkat rom. After you successfully install in Advance - Reboot Recovery (Restart recovery mode - the machine will restart Recovery kitkat you just install)
- In this kitkat recovery you install in order proceed : DU_ef49k_4.4.4_20140825.v7.9-UNOFFICIAL.zip ( file rom ) --> successfully install then install file pa_gapps-modular-mini-4.4.4-20140620-signed.zip ( Google Apps : Chplay , dịch vụ google , google map , google mail ...)
- Perform complete, select reboot system now to reboot the phone ---> Enjoy the fruits only!
LGVinh : Cửa hàng điện thoại di động xách tay tại thành phố Vinh Nghệ An
Chuyên các mặt hàng điện thoại xách tay LG nguyên bản từ Hàn quốc
Linh kiện phụ kiện LG Xách tay
Nhận sửa chữa phần cứng,phần mềm, up rom, nạp tiếng việt các dòng máy xách tay Hàn quốc
UnBrick, repair boot, mất IMEI, mất sóng ... các dòng LG , Sky , Sam Sung
LH : 19 , ngõ 58 , Phạm đình Toái , Hà Huy Tập, Vinh 0918658626