<<<<<< All Nokia Lumia/Android Dead Boot Repair Files -[Added Lumia 830] >>>>>>
Activate ATF JTAG NOW!!!
(Activate ATF JTAG in order to use the files below)
ATF v11.80 Update!! 25 NOV 2014!!
Release Date: November 25, 2014
Firmware Version Required : 11.0.00
ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows 7/8/8.1 (32-bit and 64-bit)
ATF Box USB Driver Required: - Windows XP (32-bit and 64-bit)
[Nokia Android Updates]
--> Added Support for Nokia XL 4G (RM-1061)
----> Added Secure ADB Connection
----> Dead Mode, Normal Mode, Recovery Mode Flashing
----> 1 Click ROOT
----> 1 Click Google Apps + Launcher Installer (NO NEED ROOT)
----> Added FULL IMEI/Simlocks/EFS Backup + Restore (NO NEED ROOT)
*** WARNING: DO NOT CROSS-FLASH NOKIA XL 4G RM-1061 with other Nokia XL RM-xxxx ***
--> Added Support for Nokia X2 (RM-1013)
----> Added Secure ADB Connection
----> Dead Mode, Normal Mode, Recovery Mode Flashing
----> Support Both Qualcomm and Nokia USB Drivers
----> 1 Click ROOT
----> 1 Click Google Apps + Launcher Installer (NO NEED ROOT)
----> Added FULL IMEI/Simlocks/EFS Backup + Restore (NO NEED ROOT)
Added Nokia Lumia WP8.1 and Android Dead Boot Repair via eMMC (October to November 2014 Files)
Lumia 830 RM-983 [02040.00012.14404.07019] [BIG BOOT] <-- eMMC Tool Exclusive!!!
Lumia 830 RM-984 [02040.00005.14372.54001] [BIG BOOT] <-- eMMC Tool Exclusive!!!
Lumia 830 RM-985 [02040.00005.14373.00002] [BIG BOOT] <-- eMMC Tool Exclusive!!!
Lumia 830 RM-1049 [02040.00012.14404.07005] [BIG BOOT] <-- eMMC Tool Exclusive!!!
[Samsung Updates]
Factory Boot - Qualcomm USB Boot Repair 1.0 (Initial Public Release)
--> Added Initial Suport for Samsung GT-i9505 (Galaxy S4 LTE)
----> This will BOOT Repair Phones which cannot be Repaired via SDC or JTAG
Current Boot Files Supported:
----> GT-i9505_16GB_4.4.2_I9505XXUGNJ8.bin <-- Latest Version !!!
----> GT-i9505_16GB_4.4.2_I9505VJUGNI2.bin
----> GT-i9505_16GB_4.4.2_I9505XXUGNG4.bin
*** Please Install Supplimentary Boot Files From Here:
ATF Offcial Support Area / file-support / Samsung USB Boot Repair
Samsung Unbrick Image Creator 2.8
--> Added Support for New Qualcomm CPU APQ8084/APQ8084 Pro (Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Note Edge, Galaxy S5)
--> Added Support for New Exynos CPU OCTA 5433 (Galaxy Note 4, Galaxy Tab S 10.5")
--> Added Better Compression for Smaller SDC Files for New CPUs
--> Added Automatic Check if TAR+MD5 File can be used for SDC Creation or Not
--> Added BUILT-IN PIT Files for the following CPUs (So Now all you need is BL File for SDC Creation!!!)
----> APQ8074.pit
----> APQ8084.pit
----> MSM8226.pit
----> MSM8228.pit
----> MSM8274.pit
----> MSM8626.pit
----> MSM8674.pit
----> MSM8928.pit
----> MSM8930.pit
----> MSM8960.pit
----> MSM8974.pit
----> EXYNOS_3_DUAL_3250.pit
----> EXYNOS_4_DUAL_4210.pit
----> EXYNOS_4_QUAD_4412.pit
----> EXYNOS_5_DUAL_5250.pit
----> EXYNOS_5_OCTA_5410.pit
----> EXYNOS_5_OCTA_5420.pit
----> EXYNOS_5_OCTA_5422.pit
----> EXYNOS_5_OCTA_5433.pit
New SDC Files Added:
SM-G7109 = SM-G7109_4.3_8GB_G7109KEUBNG1.sdc
SM-N910P = SM-N910P_4.4.4_16GB_N910PVPU1ANIE.sdc
SM-N910T = SM-N910T_4.4.4_16GB_N910TUVU1ANJ7.sdc
SM-N910U = SM-N910U_4.4.4_2GB_N910UXXU1ANJ5.sdc
SM-N9108V = SM-N9108V_4.4.4_16GB_N9108VZMU1ANIG.sdc
SM-N7506V = SM-N7506V_4.3_16GB_N7506VZNUAND2.sdc
Download Them Here:
ATF Offcial Support Area / file-support / Samsung SDC Files
--> Fixed Windows 64-BIT OpenSSL Problem for Server Connection
--> Added all variants of Nokia Lumia 830 and Microsoft Lumia 535 in Nokia.ini
--> Added New USB Drivers for Nokia Lumia/Microsoft Lumia Phones
--> Added New USB Drivers for Nokia X2 RM-1013