ZTE 3G model unlocking key of MF192 for free
1- Install your 3G dongle on your computer with the drivers. (Usually the drivers that is installed by default should be fine)
2. Download the software ZTEMF192Unlocker
Download from HERE
Download Instructions
1. Unzip the downloaded contained using decompression software such as winrar .
2. Run the software and you should get this:
3. Click Unlock to unlock your ZTE key.
4- If your key is well recognized, it should unlock after software shows
Get device data ... done (get the data from the device ... Done)
Calculating ... done (Done Calculating ...)
Unlocking ... done (ongoing Unlocking ... Done)
Check Lock Status ... done (Check the Status of simlockage ... Done)
With this method, you do not have an unlock code to enter because it is automatically sent to the key when you click on "Unlock"
5. Your key is now unlocked, and you want to use it with another operator, you must configure your key 3g with APN of your new operator in your 3G connection software.
6. Just go in the setting of your software and configure your key by creating a new connection profile for your new operator.
7- Good release