BattleLore: Command - valiant warriors and vicious demons in BattleLore: Command, based on the board game BattleLore Second Edition. Lead the noble Daqan army as they fearlessly defend their homeland from the invading hordes of the Uthuk Y’llan– demon-blooded barbarians spreading chaos and destruction wherever they go. Or, lead the Uthuk Y’llan and channel their fury into military supremacy.PREPARE FOR WAR: Muster armies suited to the mission at hand and support your strengths as a commander. Deploy them strategically and order them unit by unit.
TAKE THE FIELD: Use the 360º view to see the battlefield from any vantage point.
WIELD ARCANE POWERS: Lore powers give each army unique tactical and magical advantages you can use to surprise the enemy and turn the tide of battle.
FIGHT A HEROIC CAMPAIGN: Take charge of the Daqan army in a multi-mission single-player campaign to vanquish the Uthuk Y’llan and save Terrinoth.
SKIRMISH AGAINST A FRIEND OR AGAINST THE COMPUTER: Challenge your friends or the CPU in multiplayer matches: Online, LAN, Pass & Play or vs. CPU!