Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite 7.0 VE Logo |
1-First of all you need to install
CWM Recovery Here2-Watch this video to know how to install
CWM Recovery Here3. Download
ODIN on your computer.
4. Power off the device.
5. Restart in "Download Mode" by holding the "HOME" button, "Volume Down" and "Power" all at the same time (for about 5 seconds).
6. Hit the "Volume Up" to enter download mode.
7. Start the
ODIN exe program. Un-check Auto Reboot. See notes about ODIN below.
8. Connect the device via USB to your computer. Verify the device shows as "Added" in the Message box. If it doesn't show then you need the Samsung USB drivers (just install KIES to get them). Also need to enable USB debugging.
9. Select "PDA" (or AP) then choose the
recovery file you want to flash. (Unzip the file you downloaded so that you have a file named "recovery.tar.md5".)
10. Hit "START". Wait for Odin to finish (~10-15 seconds). The message area will display "RES OK" when finished. 11. Restart directly to recovery mode before rebooting into OS.(Hold POWER, Volume UP, and the HOME button all at the same time. When you see the Samsung Logo, let go of the POWER button, but keep holding the Volume UP and HOME until you see the recovery screen). Notes about ODIN --Make sure that "Re-Partition" is NOT checked. --Auto Reboot can be un-checked if CWM doesn't flash correctly on your device. Some have reported that un-checking Auto Reboot fixes this issue. If you un-check Auto Reboot, you will need to reboot the device yourself (refer back to step 9). After you get the custom recovery working, you can flash the latest
SuperSu zip to get root.