Backup your device data. You can follow our
ultimate backup guide.2. Make sure your
device have at least 60% battery power.
3. You already have USB Driver Installed for Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV SM-G530BT in your PC. [
Download USB Drivers]
4. Make sure
USB Debugging is enabled otherwise you won’t able to transfer file between PC and mobile. [
So, you done everything that we mentioned above, right! Now, you are ready to move towards next stage of this guide where we summed up detail instruction on how to root Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV SM-G530BT running latest official Android firmware.
Remember, it’s very important for you to follow everything that we mentioned below to successfully root your Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV SM-G530BT on official Android firmware.
Complete Rooting Tutorial Of Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV SM-G530BT
Step 1: Download
CF-Auto-Root-Here and
Odin v3.09.Step 2: Now extract CF-Auto-Root zip file at a convenient location in your desktop; you should get a .tar.md5 file within extracted folder.
Step 3: Extract Odin zip file and you will get
Odin3 v3.09.exe along with few other files.
Step 4: Now turn off your Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV SM-G530BT and wait 5-6 seconds for vibration to confirm complete switch off. Then boot it into the Download Mode, to do that press and keep holding the Volume down and Home button in the same time, with these two buttons pressed press the Power Button. When a warning message is displayed press on the Volume Up button to entering the Download Mode Menu.
Step 5: Now run
Odin3 v3.09.exe that you get in Step 3 as an Administrator because Admin privileges is required to complete this installation process smoothly.
Step 6: Now it’s time to connect your
Galaxy Grand Prime Duos TV SM-G530BT with your PC using USB cable. Do it and you will see a message under Odin’s message box in the bottom left saying “Added!!”. If you don’t get it then you should try another USB port (try USB port located in back of your desktop PC cabinet). If this still can’t solve your issue then you should reinstall USB driver for your device. However. if you successfully see the “Added!!” message in Odin then you are ready to go in next step. You should also see COM port with a number in Yellow if you successfully added your device.
Step 7: Select following file in Odin at respective button:
Click the AP Button, and select that CF-Auto-Root file that you get in Step 2. Old Odin user click on PDA button instead.
Step 8: In Odin window, make sure Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time checkboxes are only two that are selected.
Step 9: To make flashing safe for you double check everything that we mentioned in Step 7 and Step 8 above. Now, once you are ready, hit the START button to begin the flashing process.
Step 10: Once installation is done, your device will reboot automatically and soon you will see a PASS message with green background in the left-most box at the very top of the Odin. You can then safely unplug the USB cable to disconnect your device from computer.
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