How to Easily Root it1-Download
Fastboot from
Here, unzip and install the package on your computer.
2-Also, from
Here download the pre rooted image for your Asus Zenfone 2.
3-Unzip the pre rooted package on desktop.
4*Connect your Asus
Zenfone 2 with your computer by plugging in the USB cable.
5-On your PC open a command prompt window – press and hold Shift keyboard key and right click for selecting “Open Command Prompt Window Here”.
6-In the
cmd window type “adb reboot bootloader”.
7-The bootloader mode will then be displayed on your phone.
8-Rename the system image that you have downloaded to
system.img. You can do that by right-clicking on the system image and selecting Rename.
9-Next, in the same cmd window enter the following command: “adb flash system system.img”.
10-Wait while the
root process is being completed.
11-When done, return to the cmd window and enter “
fastboot reboot”.
Congratulations; you have managed to safely root your
Asus Zenfone 2. Now you can continue the tweak process in order to improve the performances of your Android device. So, let us know how things worked for you by using the comments field from below.