1-You Have to root your
Not 3 Follow the instructions
Here3) Install
CWM to install CWM use odin3 v3.09. "
4) After rooting and installing recoveries
Download the rom HERE and put it under download (internal memory not sd card), Since we have kitkat version please download the kitkat version rom and try to avoid MI7.
You can find more info here5) After downloading Kitkat version rom. Put it on Recovery Method
( home + pwr off button + volume plus button ) 6) Wipe cache and davik Cache and install rom from the sdcard/download (internal memory).
Conns-: You cannot install rom from sd card, if you will try it will give you error. If someone know how to fix it do mention in this thread thank you.
At the end Download Stock Rom just in case, if something goes wrong. Stock Roms Here