VolcanoBox 3.0.5 MT6577 eMMC Fully Support MTK6595 MTK6752 MTK8127 New Flash id Root ImprovmentsVolcanobox 3.0.5
MT6577 eMMC Fully Support with Volcano Box !!
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Unofficial Support Site By welcome Zone Haldwani
Analysis of USB port,Please insert phone USB cable. Connecting... CPU TYPE:MT6577 Hardware version:CB00 Software version:E201 SecCfgVal :0x00000000 BromVersion :0xFF BLVersion :0x01 Boot downloading complete! EMMC_ID:0x1501004D3447314641031F053B96CF1F EMMC_PRODUCT_NAME: SAMSUNG :0x4D3447314641 EMMC_BOOT1_SIZE: 0x00100000 EMMC_BOOT2_SIZE: 0x00100000 EMMC_PRMB_SIZE: 0x00020000 EMMC_GP1_SIZE: 0x00000000 EMMC_GP2_SIZE: 0x00000000 EMMC_GP3_SIZE: 0x00000000 EMMC_GP4_SIZE: 0x00000000 EMMC_USER_SIZE: 0x0EE800000(3.73 G) Analysis of system files...
PRELOADER: addr:0x000000 --length:0x040000 DSP_BL: addr:0x040000 --length:0x840000 MBR: addr:0x880000 --length:0x004000 EBR1: addr:0x884000 --length:0x004000 __NODL_PMT: addr:0x888000 --length:0x400000 __NODL_NVRAM: addr:0xC88000 --length:0x500000 __NODL_SECCFG: addr:0x1188000 --length:0x020000 UBOOT: addr:0x11A8000 --length:0x060000 BOOTIMG: addr:0x1208000 --length:0x600000 RECOVERY: addr:0x1808000 --length:0x600000 SEC_RO: addr:0x1E08000 --length:0x600000 __NODL_MISC: addr:0x2408000 --length:0x060000 LOGO: addr:0x2468000 --length:0x300000 __NODL_EXPDB: addr:0x2768000 --length:0x200000 ANDROID: addr:0x2968000 --length:0x30100000 CACHE: addr:0x32A68000 --length:0x20100000 USRDATA: addr:0x52B68000 --length:0x40100000 __NODL_FAT: addr:0x92C68000 --length:0x5A8B8000 __NODL_BMTPOOL: addr:0xFFFF00A8 --length:0x000000 Read phone information success.
Format range: Start Address: 0x52B69000,Format Length :0x400FF000 Flash erasing complete! Check the data complete. Please take out SIM and Memory card from phone when power on first time, or it will have Memory Lock .If you meet Memory Lock,please take all cards from phone and restart phone again.DOWNLOAD HEREVolcanoBox 2.8.0 FREE BlackBerry MEP 0- Direct Unlock & Much More !! Brave WarriorDownload Volcano Box v3.0.5DOWNLOAD v3.0.5 Update
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