1-Back Up your phone data from
HERE2-Install Samsung drivers from
HERE3-Download root file from
HERE4-Extract/Unzip the CF-Auto-Root file, CF-Auto-Root-chagalllte-chagallltexx-smt805.zip on your computer (using
7-zip free software, preferably). You’ll get the following files:
Odin3-v3.07.exeOdin3.initmax.dllzlib.dllCF-Auto-Root-chagalllte-chagallltexx-smt805.tar.md55-Disconnect the Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE from PC if it is connected.
6-Double-click the Odin3-v3.07.exe file to open
7-Boot your Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE into
Download Mode:Power off your phone first and wait for 6-7 seconds after display is off.
Press and hold these 3 buttons together until you see Warning! screen: Volume Down + Power + Home.
Press Volume Up now to continue to Download Mode.
8-Connect your
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE to PC. Odin window will show an Added!! message in bottom left box. Odin’s screen would look like this:
If you don’t get the Added! message, here are some troubleshooting tips:
Make sure you have installed driver for Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE as said above in ‘Before you begin..’ section.
If you have already installed driver, then uninstall them and reinstall back.
Connect using a different USB port on your PC.
Try a different USB cable. The original cable that came with your phone should work best, if not, try any other cable that’s new and of good quality.
Reboot your phone and PC and then try again.
9-Load the firmware file (extracted in Step 1) into Odin as instructed below:
Click on the PDA button on Odin and select the
CF-Auto-Root-chagalllte-chagallltexx-smt805.tar.md5 file (from step 1). Your Odin window should look like the screenshot below:
10-Now in the Option section of
Odin, make sure that Re-Partition box is unchecked. (Auto Reboot and F. Reset Time boxes remain checked, while all other boxes remain unchecked.)
11-Double check the above two steps. (Step 8 and Step 9)
12-Click the Start button to begin flashing, and wait until you see a PASS! message in Odin’s top left box.
13-When you get PASS! message, your device will restart automatically. You can then disconnect your phone from PC And You have rooted your
Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE
If you see FAIL message instead of the PASS in Odin’s top left box, that’s a problem. Try this now: disconnect your Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE from PC, close Odin, remove phone’s battery and put it back inside in 3-4 seconds, open Odin and then repeat from Step 2 of this guide again.
Also, If device is Stuck at setup connection or on any other process, then too, try this: disconnect your Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE from PC, close Odin, remove phone’s battery and put it back inside in 3-4 seconds, open Odin and then repeat from Step 2 of this guide again.
NOTE: It may happen that your phone doesn’t automatically boot into recovery and root your phone. In that case follow the following above procedure except that in Step 7, Auto Reboot option is un-checked and then the instructions below:
Pull out the battery and re-insert it.
Boot your
Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 LTE into Recovery Mode: Press and hold these 3 buttons together: Volume Up + Power + Home.
Now, this will start the rooting process and will reboot the phone automatically when the process is done.
That’s all. If you need help regarding this, feel free to ask us in comments below.