This is a build.prop editor for
Android root users. With this app you can edit, add and view any prop file.
This app is also available in ROM Toolbox. ROM Toolbox adds a bunch of other features as well. Check it out on the market!
Build properties control how your system runs. You can change your LCD density, decrease your call ring delay, save battery by increasing your wifi scan interval and more.
For common
build.prop tweaks slide the screen to the right or click the home icon in the action bar.
To learn more about a build property click on the icon next to the name. If there is no information for the given build property a question mark will be displayed instead of an information symbol.
Remember to keep a backup of your current build.prop. Changing build properties can potentially harm or soft brick your device.
Root and
Busybox are required for this app to work correctly
Download from google play