Guide To Upgrade Firmware All Asus ZenFone 2 Using OTA Update Procedure.
OTA Update Procedure Asus Zenfone 2. This device release on the market on August, 2015. Todays guidebelajar will share a guide how to perform OTA Update Procedure on Asus Zenfone 2 with the simple and easy way.
Now, guidebelajar will show to you how to update your firmware on Asus Zenfone 2 uisng OTA update procedure with official firmware directly from official Asus website. This is very simple guide altough for a beginer android user. But you must read all guide carrefully to prevent unsuccessfully upgrade process. And this guide only for Asus ZenFOne 2 Series. So you must check your device model and software version of your ZenFone correctly
Now, follow the isntruction list bellow, do it with your own risk.
Prepare OTA Update Asus Zenfone 2.
- Download and Install Asus Android USB Driver for windows operating system.
- Next, you must download OTA Update Firmware File for Asus Zenfone 2. You can download directly from official asus website. Here
- You must only Apply to same SKU update, ex : WW->WW,CN->CN, TW->TW
- Software update can't transfer the software SKU and downgrade the software version.
- Wrong SKU may cause update failure, please update the same SKU version only.
How To check your Device model.
If you swipe down the screen top side will see the quick settings. Now you can go to :
- Settings
OTA update procedure all asus zenfone 2 |
- About.
OTA update procedure all asus zenfone 2 |
- Model Number
OTA update procedure all asus zenfone 2 |
How To check your Device model.
If you swipe down the screen top side will see the quick settings. Now you can go to :
- Settings
- About
- Model Number
- Build Number
Step for OTA Update Asus Zenfone 2.