Current Android phones are powerful; we have 4GB of RAM, 8-core processor, 32 GB of ROM,that’s quite a lot of power for a 5-inch rectangular device.But no matter what the specification of your device is, it will start to slow down after some time, that’s the universal truth.
Here are 8 simple tips that will make your old phone faster:
1. Install A Custom Launcher
2. Uninstall And Disable Unnecessary Apps
3. Delete Application Cache
4. Keep Your Home Screen Clean
5. Stay Updated
6. Remove Animation
7. Hard Reboot
It’s a good practice to hard reboot your phone from time to time. “Hard” in hard reboot stands for “hardware” , so it simply means turning your phone off and on but using the hardware.Sometimes a simple hard reboot could fix some performance issue.
8. Factory Reset.
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