Guide to create Array and Logical Drive using HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA).
Create Array and Logical Drive. This guide is part of installing Windows Server 2012 R2 on HP Proliant ML10 v2 server. To save your Windows operating system file on HP Proliant ML10 v2 server you must create an Array and Logical Drive. Therefore we must set up the drive installed on this server. For a beginner server user maybe it make so confused and complicated to do this task. But we will explain this task by the simple way, so you can follow my guide to create Array and Logical Drive using HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA).
We need this software (
HP Smart Storage Administrator) SAA to configuring array and create logical drive, you can download this software manually form official Hewlett Packard website or you can get this software included on HP service Pack for Proliant software. All software is ISO image, so you must burn it into DVD or USB flash disk before using this software. If you have not created any logical drive on HP Proliant ML10 v2 server, you will see
0 Logical volume at HP Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID controller at pre booting screen shown on picture below.
HP Proliant ML10 v2 server - logical drive |
Now, follow our guide carefully to create Array and Logical Drive using HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA).
- DVD media or USB Flash disk.
- You must download HP Service Pack for Proliant or SPP. from Here or Here. This is a big file, for the latest version (2015.10.0) has 5.12 GB size. (recommended)
- For an alternative, you can download only Offline HP Smart Storage Administrator (HP SSA) 346 MB Here
- Once download complete, transfer this file to USB flash disk, and make it bootable stick.
- You can read this guide to make Bootable USB flash disk using HP USB key utility for windows.
Guide to create Array and Logical Drive.
- Make sure you have changed boot order on HP Proliant ML10 v2 server, to boot from USB flash disk.
- Once your server boot up to load your flash disk, you will see two options must you select.
- Automatic Firmware Update Version 2015.10..0
- Interactive Firmware Update Version 2015.10.0
- Now you must select Interactive Firmware Update Version 2015.10.0 than enter.
- Wait the program to load.
HP service PAck proliant - load program |
- Then you will see this on your screen.
HP service PAck proliant - load program |
- Now program will ask to select your language, by default it in English. Then click on Accept to accept the end User License Agreement (EULA)
EULA - select language |
- Then click next to continue.
HP service PAck proliant |
- Then you will see this picture on your screen, to start create Array and Logical Drive using HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA), you must click on HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA). This will configure, manage, and diagnosis for HP Smart array and storage works.
HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA) |
- Now, wait the program to load HP smart storage.
HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA) |
- Now, you will enter HP Smart Storage Welcome screen. On this screen you must click Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID under Array Controller.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID under Array Controller. |
- Then click configure.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - configure |
- Now, click create Array.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - create array |
- Now, select physical drives for the new Array.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - select physical drives |
- Then you don't need to change any option on the next screen, just click create logical drive.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - create logical drive |
- On the next screen you will be ask to continue, Are you sure you want to continue ? Just click yes.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - create logical drive |
- Once your job finished, now you will see message on screen : Logical drive was successfully created, Please choose one of the actions below. Now click Finish.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - create logical drive |
- Once finish, now you can see your logical drives under controller device.
Dynamic Smart Array B120i RAID - controller device |
- Finish, you have created Array and Logical Drive using HP Smart Storage Administrator (SSA). now you can close this window.
- logical volume now created
logical volume now created |