Fellow MIUIers,
Your calls have been heard, and with this thread comes the great news of the release of the official English Mi PC Suite (MiPhone Manager). It's been long since the first request came up, and on this special day your wish finally came true!
You can get the Mi PC Suite Installation File
Here's the installation and preview of it. Are you excited already?
The installation includes some animations to kill the boredom
Here's the homescreen of it! Looks familiar right?
Under My Devices, there'll be several tabs on the right that allows you to change/access files from your phone.
How bout playing some music from your phone?
Oh, how 'bout some SMS texting right from your PC? Yes, you heard it right. Same function present on the
Mi Cloud.
Maybe access files from your phone using the Explorer?
New idea came up and you want to take down a note? Do it right from your PC!
Wait, did I tell you that you can control your phone from your PC?
What?! You can do a Fastboot flash from Mi PC Suite too?!