Here in this article we will tell you about the recycling of old cell phones in Oklahoma City. Here are the complete details of cell phone recycling in Oklahoma City.
Cell phones have become part and parcel of human existence- not sure about it! Just take a look around! Jokes apart- it has led to the accumulation of old cell phones that are being discarded every now and then. As soon as a newer version is available the older versions go into oblivion because the technology savvy human minds want only the latest. On an average, most Americans get rid of their old phones in 18 months to two years, as soon as they get a low cost or free upgrade with the new mobile phone.
RECYCLING OF CELL PHONES IN OKLAHOMAIf you have some older models of phones, instead of simply dumping them, get them recycled. In Oklahoma, Environmental Protection Agency has specified guidelines as to where you can hand them over. Non-profit organizations, cell phones for soldiers and Hopeline are organizations that derive benefit out of your donated cell phones.
It is estimated that about 500 million devices are lying non-utilized and among these only 10% are recycled. What happens to the rest? They eventually land up in landfills thereby threatening our very existence. So, one must pass on their old devices for re-use.
Before sending your devices for recycling, keep a backup of the data that you need to save and erase all of the rest personal data from memory card and SIM.
TAKE BACK PROGRAMS FROM MANUFACTURERSIf you want to get rid of your old cell phones in Oklahoma, then these gadgets may fetch you some money. Many manufacturers can give you cash in exchange of your old cell phones and even some of them pay you handsomely!
Mobile devices- smartphones, cell phones, touch devices, Androids and prepaid phones from Samsung, Apple, Nokia, Motorola, HTC, LG, Microsoft- can all be recycled in Oklahoma. You may ask for free quotations from manufacturers while in Oklahoma City.
You may visit several manufacturers stores personally in Oklahoma and find out where the nearest donation center is. Or you may try otherwise-go, to the manufacturer site and download a free shipping label. Then put your old phones in a box and mail it to the address provided and get rid of your unused devices.
T-MOBILEAt T-Mobile retail store, you may conveniently drop off your cell phones by packing the cell phones and accessories in a box after sticking the downloaded label for shipping. If you have some problem in downloading, then you may collect the shipping envelope from retail stores in Oklahoma to send the phone for recycling.
VERIZON WIRELESSSimilarly, Hopeline program of Verizon Mobiles takes charge of collecting the old devices, batteries as well as many accessories that are deposited in Verizon Mobiles Retail outlets. These phones are then recycled, and the raised fund from the refurbished products goes to different non-profit organization.
You may also download a shipping label yourself from anywhere in Oklahoma and donate your devices.
ONLINE PROGRAMS AND WEBSITES FOR RECYCLINGDo not ignore your discarded mobile devices because they may get you some quick bucks. If you do not want to donate then send your phones to recycling websites like Every month Pacebutler receives over seventy thousand devices that are tested and processed. Among these 22% are unusable but the rest derives easy money to customers spread across fifty states.
So, discard your cell phones safely by any of the discussed options and make your Oklahoma city free from the e-waste caused by the cell phone devices.
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