doesn’t offer its services in Pakistan. This is a big hurdle for us in receiving online payments and paying for services that only supports PayPal. Despite the fact that the online community has struggled a lot and filed many petitions to persuade somehow them opening their payment gateway for us, but all in vain. It seems quite unfair that 190 countries around the globe are being entertained with PayPal’s quality services while a few like
. Above all, we should also blame the negative minds who have disgraced the fame of Pakistan, and for this reason not only PayPal but many other services have closed their gates for Pakistan. But, there is a solution!
Like all other Pakistanis, I had also gone through the tough times without PayPal. However, after many struggles I managed to find an Alternative to verify PayPal in Pakistan. I can now proudly say that I live in Pakistan and own a verified PayPal account. Today, I’m going to share with you an easy step-by-step guide that can help you in verifying your own PayPal.
. We’ll be using third-party services to help us in verifying a PayPal account.
6) Finally, you have to select the type of Identity you’ll be providing. Prefer you CNIC. Next, enter the CNIC number without any spaces or dashed carefully.
7) Scroll Down a bit on the same page and accept all terms and agreements as in the picture below and hit Order.
8)Within a few minutes, you’ll receive a confirmation email from Payoneer as in the image below.
9)Once their support team has verified your application and details you’ll receive a welcome email from Payoneer that would be as:
HURRAY! We have done the most important step in getting a verified PayPal account in Pakistan. Now you can login to your account from>My Account. Enter your email address as a username and the password you gave while signing up.
When Will You Get Your MasterCard?It is the responsibility of Payoneer to ship your card to the address given. Normally, the card is shipped within 10-15 days and sometimes within a week. It depends on your location.

Steps Once You’ve received your CardActivating your Master Card1) Login to your account.
2) Click on Activate Card.
3) Enter Username and Password Again.
4) Type the 16 digit card number.
5) Choose a four-digit PIN.
6) Click Submit.
Submitting Questionnaire, CNIC Scanned Images and Getting a Free USA Bank Account1) Login to your Payoneer Account
2) On the top menu bar under the Receive Menu option click US PAYMENT SERVICE.
3) Scroll down a bit, you can see your personal USA “FIRST CENTURY BANK” account number and Routing Number. We’ll use it later in verifying PayPal.

Below your bank account number, you’ll see an option to submit Questionnaire and CNIC Scanned images. Click on Questionnaire and next page just write 2-5 lines telling them why you are using Payoneer. You can write that you have to receive payment from Freelancing sites, etc.
Now to submit your documents, click on Submit, choose the type of identity and upload the front and back of your CNIC. Finally hit submit.
We are finally done with Payoneer MasterCard. Now all we need to do is head towards PayPal and verify it using Payoneer.
Signing up for PayPal and verifying it Using Payoneer At last we are here! Head over to and hit the Sign up Button.

Select “Personal Account and click Continue.”

Now enter the same email that you used on Payoneer, and choose a random Password and hit continue.

On the next page, you have to enter the first and last name. It must be the same as it appears on your Payoneer MasterCard. In the street address, enter the same street address the one you gave on Payoneer. For City type “New York”, for State “NY” and Zip Code “10001”. You may enter any city of United States but can also use the above one. For the mobile number, type in the seven digit number that you gave on Payoneer. So, if you mobile number is 03**-4567896, then you have to type only 4567896. Just remove the first four digits and type the remaining seven digits. Agree Terms and conditions and click Create Account.

Now enter your 16 Digit Payoneer Card number, expiration month, date and 3 digit CVV/CSS that is on the back of your card. Click Link Card!

You have to skip this form because we don’t need it.

OK! Now we have successfully created a PayPal account but it’s still not verified. Click on the “Account” button in the top right corner.

Next confirm your PayPal account by clicking on “Confirm Email” as shown below. You may be asked to set a security question. Just select a random and memorize it.

Now comes the interesting Part. Click on “Link a Bank” as shown in the picture below.

On the next window click, “I Have a Different Bank”.

Here choose bank type “Checking”. We’ll need a routing number and Bank account number. Login to your Payoneer Account!

Click on Receive Payment>US Payment Service and scroll down and copy paste the routing number and account number.

Once done you have to
click Agree and Link!After 1-2 days, PayPal will send two small transactions in your
Payoneer card. You’ll receive an email containing that amount as shown below.
Head over to your PayPal account and click, “Confirm Bank”. Enter the two amounts you received and hit Confirm.
HURRAAYYY! Now you have successfully verified your very own PayPal account in Pakistan. The only thing left is mobile number verification. This won’t be a problem, but for your safety you can buy a virtual USA Number and verify PayPal, or take help of a friend of family member in The USA to get you one.
- Do not login again and again in your PayPal else it may get Limited.
- Don’t use different proxies to login.
- Always send payment to a verified PayPal.
- Enjoy!
Disclaimer: The Method discussed above is 100% working. However, in case of any limitations or loss the author is not responsible. We have given you exact steps and precautions. Negligence would result in limitations on your PayPal.