Download: OK3_ROOTUnzip folder.If Your Not On BOK3 Build then Proceed too Prepare Your PhoneOpen The OK3_ROOT click the
root.bat plug in your phone and follow instructions.
Once the root procedure is finished
If the root process hangs close
root.bat. unplug phone pull battery and reboot phone to recovery
(VolUp+Pwr+Home). In recovery wipe cache only and reboot to bootloader.
If phone reboots back to recovery instead of bootloader pull battery and manually reboot to bootloader (VolDwn+Pwr+Home). Now plug phone back in and open
root2.bat. This will skip the install of apps and the flashing of the
nk2 kernel since this has already been done, and the
root2.bat will proceed directly to installing root.
1. You should now have root. If It says Root not available and the bat said your were rooted Reboot Phone and open KingRoot You should now be rooted
Install Safstrap Recovery:1. Now open Busybox Installer Allow KingRoot permission click on install
2. Click on Safstrap Allow KingRoot permission then click Install Safestrap after it installs reopen Safestrap and click on install again
3. Reboot phone open Safestrap app and Click Reboot To Recovery. If during this process you every get stuck on samsung screen.
Pull battery reboot phone to bootloader (VolDwn+Pwr+Home) Plug phone into computer
Open Odin In the AP Slot Flash
VZW_BOK3_KERNEL_ONLY.tar.md5 Located in the OK3_ROOT Folder.
Enjoy.See Vedio....
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