This procedure in no need to any boxes or flashing just few minute you can done this job but need to must installed driver in your computer or laptop because without driver you can't done this job i suggest you before use this procedure first read all tutorial carefully after that following step by step and this content it's very easy to understand because we are thing all are better understand without any issue because here not all are master visit this site but everyone visit who master or fresher technician this procedure not yet tested by me but i put here because this is tricks from micromax service center must check your device usb socket if any issue also check computer or laptop usb port also check micro usb cable if any problem i mentioned then you can't done this job so please carefully following this tutorial
Required for FRP Reset:
1. Micromax Canvas Blaze 4G Q400 device with good battery charged
3. Micro usb cable
4. Computer or Laptop
1. Turn off device with device on
2. Press and hold Volume Down + Power then connect device
3. Device will Enter into Fastboot Mode
4. Now go to RUN and type there cmd and then press Hit Enter key Shortcut key win.key + R
5. Put ADB Driver into desktop
6. Type : Cd desktop\adb_drivers then Hit Enter key
7. Type : Adb devices>fastboot oem unlock Hit Enter key
8. Type : Fastboot -i 0x2a96 erase config Hit Enter key
9. Type : Fastboot -i 0x2a96 reboot Hit Enter Key
10. After reboot device google id will reset
11. Congratulation you are done
Micromax Canvas Blaze 4G Q400 FRP Reset done Screenshot |