How to add HTML5 Mp3 Player ?
1. Go to blogger Dashboard > Layout 2. Then Click on Add Gadget 3. Select HTML/Javascript 4. Copy the below code and Save it. (Any one of 3)Code For Normal Mp3 Player
<audio controls="controls"><source src="" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>
Code to play Automatically
<audio controls autoplay="controls"><source src="" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>
Code to play music again and again (Looping)
<audio controls loop="controls"><source src="" autoload="true" autoplay="true" hidden="true" type="audio/mp3" /></source></audio>
Replace with url of mp3 file you want to play. 5.
Now you have working HTML5 Mp3 player on your blog. 6.
Place this widget where you want it to appear on your blog.Live Demo. Use Google Drive Host File:
- Upload file
- Select a file.
- At the top, click the Share button.
- At the bottom right of the sharing box, click Advanced.
- Click Change....
- Click On - Public on the web > Save.
- Copy Link like this
- Change This link to
- You can Add this Url in Your HTML5 Mp3 Player