Download Whatsapp Plus APK 2016
Whatsapp Plus APK 2015
Whatsapp Plus : WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other !.The whatsapp was released on 2009 by Brian Acton and Jan Koum who was the employees of Yahoo !. Now it is owned by facebook. The whatsapp gained the popularity in a very less times due to its features. It has 400 billion active users now.
What is Whatsapp Plus ?
Whatsapp Plus is developed by Rafelete (a Spanish developer). It is a third party app which is similar to orignal whatsapp. It is just a modified version of whatsapp which allows you to hide online status,read message without show blue tick, hide last seen,use custom themes, send large amount of files and change user interface and many other awesome features which are not available on official whatsapp !!
So, here you can Download whatsapp plus apk to enjoy the cool whatsapp plus features. The whatsapp plus reborn comes up with anti-ban feature which means that official whatsapp will not block your account for using whatsapp.
Whatsapp Plus APK
WhatsApp Plus Features :
Whatsapp comes up with green icon,but in whatsapp plus use will get blue icon and also you can change icon colour according to your choice

Want to send large videos ? Yes, it’s easy with whatsapp plus which allows you to send video size of 50 MB.
In official whatsapp you can send up to 10 photos at a time by selecting but in whastapp plus you can send more than 10 photos at a time.
Change the colour of whatsapp background, notifications,chats colour with whatsapp plus.
In official whatsapp when you send image it reduces it quality but in whatsapp plus you can send high quality images without any loss in clarity.
Change the whole look of whatsapp by using plus version. There are many whatsapp plusthemes available both paid and free to change its look.
You can also show you status to specific users and also add more lengthy status.
You can see the status of your friends while chatting with them no need to open the profile.
Whatsapp Plus APK 2016
Transfer the Whatsapp Plus APK download from below link and transfer it to your phone. Both internal and external memory would work.
In order to install an app using its installation file in .apk format from phone’s sdcard or internal memory, you first need to enable that from settings.
Android 4.0 (and above) → Go to Settings » Security and check ‘Unknown Sources’ box.
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