Today we’re pleased to announce our free carrier unlock for iPhone3G/3GS owners with a baseband later than 05.13.04. The unlock for that baseband exploited the AT+XAPP command, thanks to a crash initially discovered by @sherif_hashim (@Oranav also found this crash). So what hole are we exploiting today, since Apple closed that AT+XAPP hole? Well, we’re exploiting the exact same hole!

It turns out that the very first iPad firmware 3.2.2 has baseband version 06.15.00 still vulnerable to AT+XAPP. The iPad baseband is built for the exact same baseband chip as the iPhone3G/3GS — they’re fully compatible! Some of us have been running 06.15 for weeks now on our iPhones in preparation for this release. (And some have known about this possibility of 06.15 on the iPhones for a while — kudos to @w1kedZ and @DHowett for keeping it hush!)

SIMPLIFIED ROUTE #1 (redsn0w for OSX + Windows):
1.Read and fully understand the warning below.
2.If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and are already unlockable but want to get to 4.2.1, please wait til we release an “unofficial” bundle for you. Read no further.

3.Use redsn0w (see update #2) for OSX or Windows. Enable the “Install iPad baseband” option and accept the warning.
4.When the redsn0w ramdisk is finished, install ultrasn0w via Cydia.

SIMPLIFIED ROUTE #2 (PwnageTool for OSX):
1.Read and fully understand the warning below.
2.If you have an old-bootrom 3GS and are already unlockable but want to get to 4.2.1, please wait til we release an “unofficial” bundle for you. Read no further.
3.Read update #1 for an updated 3GS bundle.
4.Download this IPSW
5.Run PwnageTool to create a custom 4.1 IPSW. Tell it you want to use the iPad baseband you just downloaded. Restore to this custom IPSW.
6.Install ultrasn0w through Cydia

Since 06.15 is a higher version than 05.14 or 05.15 (where AT+XAPP is gone), anyone stuck at those versions can simply upgrade to 06.15 to unlock again! Luckily for us, Apple *still* provides the iPad FW 3.2.2 with this vulnerable baseband right from their own servers. (Grab it now, before they take it down!)

We’ve been busy updating both PwnageTool and redsn0w to make the baseband update as seamless as possible.

1.First up is “PwnageTool 4.1.3 Unlock Edition”. It has a special dialog box which will ask you if you want to update to the iPad baseband. You must already have the iPad 3.2.2 IPSW on your computer (see the above link)….so just point PwnageTool at it (or let it find it on its own if you’re in “simple” mode).
2.Directly after PwnageTool 4.1.3 is available, the official ultrasn0w repo will be updated with ultrasn0w 1.2, which covers iPhone 4 baseband 01.59.00 and iPhone 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04 and now 06.15.00.
3.Finally, we’ll release an update to redsn0w today for those without Macs and can’t run PwnageTool. The new redsn0w will give you the option to update your baseband to 06.15 too.


1.There is no way to come back down from 06.15, and there’s no hiding the baseband version from Apple. You’ll be voiding your warranty in a very obvious way.
2.If some future baseband comes out with a critical fix, you won’t be able to update to it if it remains down in the 05.xx sequence (then again, you wouldn’t update to it if you wanted to keep your unlock anyway).
3.Starting with FW 4.2.1 if you have 06.15 on your iPhone you won’t ever be able to restore to stock firmware (it will fail). You’ll need to only restore to custom IPSWs (then again, if you’re unlocker you should already be doing that).
Certainly don’t update to 06.15 if you don’t need to! Only do this if you need the unlock and you’re stuck on 05.14 or 05.15, and you’re willing to assume the above risks.


This PwnageTool also contains a 4.2.1 bundle for iPhone3G owners…for all else, it’s still only 4.1. If you have an iPhone3GS with an old bootrom, use redsn0w for an untethered 4.2.1 jailbreak (it can now install the iPad baseband too). For all other devices, the 4.2.1 jailbreak is tethered only (use redsn0w for it), until @comex can work some untethering magic.

Please feel free to use our comments section for questions. We have some very knowledgeable and helpful moderators: angiepangie, Confucious, sherif_hashim, dhlizard, and Frank55!


Update #1: There’s an error in the bundle for the iPhone3GS 4.1 that prevents the new baseband from being used. If you know your way around OSX, please download the fixed bundle, and unzip it if Safari hasn’t already done so. Then “Show Package Contents” of, navigate to Contents->Resources->FirmwareBundles and drop it there. Otherwise, please wait for the updated PwnageTool, or the OSX version of redsn0w coming soon.

Update #2: The new redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 is out. It gives both Windows and OSX users the ability to flash the iPad 06.15 baseband on iPhone3G or iPhone3GS. It fetches the baseband files directly from Apple for now (the only IPSW you ever point it at is the stock IPSW for the FW on your iPhone right now). There may be a long delay while it’s doing this (their servers are currently getting pounded).

OSX (SHA1 a322ec2c9e91993eca21abaf2e655bb44de3d7d4)
Windows (SHA1 7250416e17c3aea9838cdfc73712b38b025e2ed0) (Windows 7 and Vista users, please run redsn0w as Administrator in “XP Compatiblity Mode”)
If you do flash your baseband via redsn0w, please keep it plugged into USB the whole time. You don’t want your battery to die during the flash process!

Update #3: For those Mac users with an old-bootrom 3GS who really know what they’re doing, here’s a minimal 3GS 4.2.1 bundle that will get you to 4.2.1 without updating your baseband. Be sure to uncheck “Activate the iPhone” using Expert mode. To actually jailbreak after you’ve restored with the help of that bundle, please use redsn0w. If you don’t know how to drop a bundle into, please hold off on 4.2.1 until it’s untethered for everyone (or wait for a nice tutorial from somewhere like for 3G or 3GS)

Update #4: Our terrific moderators angiepangie, Confucious, sherif_hashim, dhlizard, and Frank55 have done a stupendous job moderating 7700 comments over just the first 12 hours (that’s 10 per minute for half a day!). Hats off to them, and to all of our great commenters who rack up those + points for helping total strangers jailbreak and unlock their iPhones! That’s what makes this community great

Update #5: Unlockers have been reporting mixed results about GPS functionality at 06.15.00. Until we can track down what differentiates those who retain GPS vs. those who lose it, be conservative and assume you’ll lose GPS at 06.15.00. As we work on finding the cause (and possibly a fix), please report your personal findings in our comments section. (Update: early indications are that while 06.15.00 is capable of GPS, it will require some further hacks. But please still be conservative and assume you will lose GPS at 06.15, in case the hacks don’t work).

Update #6: Developer @sbingner (author of TetherMe) has made some excellent progress devising a new hactivation method that kills two birds with one stone for all you ultrasn0w unlockers. His tool, “Subscriber Artificial Module (SAM)” tricks your iPhone and iTunes into creating legitimate activation tickets even though you’re unlocked with ultrasn0w. This means you get the full benefit of push applications, and your battery life increases substantially. If you’d like to try it out, check out

To help make it easier to try out @sbingner’s tool, we’ve updated redsn0w to include a new “Deactivate” option for the 3G and 3GS. Use this option *after* you’ve installed SAM…it will remove the normal patches made to lockdownd and let SAM take over. (sbingner plans on making a button to do this within SAMPrefs too). Great work, @sbingner!

The new redsn0w with the “Deactivate” option is at:

Windows (Windows 7 and Vista users, please run redsn0w as Administrator in “XP Compatiblity Mode”)