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In the game, the player assumes the roles of both New York scriptwriter Jack Driscoll and the giant gorilla Kong as they struggle to survive the threats of Skull Island in 1933.This game is exhibitive of an industry trend to de-emphasize the role of a heads-up display: it lacks a life bar, aiming reticule and ammunition readout (the ammo readout and aiming reticule can be turned on and off at the player's will. ), further adding to the challenge and encouraging the player to find alternate weapons and techniques.Driscoll's adventure interspersed with levels are in the player controls roomates Kong himself, traversing Skull Island's unique geography, battling various giant monsters while defending Ann. The Kong levels take place in a third person view, as the player directs Kong to punch, grab and use objects / corpses as weapons. He can also bite, climb, charge, Hurl enemies and even pound his chest to go into fury mode. When Kong is sent into fury mode, the sky Becomes tinted with a golden hue and Kong Becomes more powerful and less vulnerable to attack. Many of the Kong sequences fulfill the role of boss fights, as the giant ape is Able to Effectively battle the gigantic creatures that Jack's weapons can not harm.In the alternate mission of the game where Jack tries to save Kong, you fly a seaplane. Diving down firing your machine gun at spotlight, warplanes, and even Kong. The flying is limited in movement and action, but players can perform various stunts like a nose dive and a loop to loop.
The plot loosely follows the movie on roomates it is based, however, it diverges and is expanded upon in order to extend the gameplay.In 1933, movie director Carl Denham (Jack Black), has acquired a mysterious map, roomates reveals the location of a large island known as Skull Island. Carl hires playwright Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody) to write his script and plucks an actress Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts) to play the part of leading lady and a tramp steamer called the Venture to take them to the island. The ship, controlled by Captain Englehorn (Thomas Kretschmann) arrives at the island on October 12, 1933. But it can not get close enough to land so the crew orders the captain to send Lifeboats containing the cast, crew and a few sailors to the island and he does. However, the lifeboat containing Jack, Carl, Ann, Hayes (Evan Parke), and Briggs gets hit by a chunk of rock roomates falls from a large stone structure, tossing the party out into the sea.Jack is horrified to find out that one of the sailors, Briggs is dead and the lifeboat completely wrecked. Hayes shoots out a distress signal, informing everyone that if Englehorn sees it, he'll come looking for them. The group head upwards to a cave entrance leading into a dark, flooded cave. After fighting off several giant crabs, they head towards the exit and move out onto a rocky outcrop, to the left there is a rocky slope leading down to a beach. Carl suggest shooting some test shots for his movie, he ACKs Ann to scream and her wailing is answered by a loud roar. The director and his men are attacked by huge Suddenly crabs that crawl out from the shore, rifles raised, the men shoot the miniature tanks down, but a huge bellows Erupts from the water. A 30-foot crab Emerges from the Murk and knocks over a wooden platform supported by wooden beams roomates is standing next to the slope. The creature is Defeated, and they move on through a gigantic wooden door. Jack has the option of swapping his Luger for a Winchester Model 1897 pump-action shotgun.
The party progress forward, meeting up with the second lifeboat containing Preston (Colin Hanks), Jimmy (Jamie Bell) and Lumpy (Andy Serkis), although it can not land Because of the strong current of the sea. The team continue traversing the island, battling with many vicious creatures, and are eventually forced to split up. Jack crosses a wooden bridge, but after he crosses it, it breaks. Ann insists on going with him and climbs up to the cliff above him. After a huge battle with Megapedes and Scorpiopedes through a seemingly abandoned village, Jack and Ann are captured by the island Natives. Jack gets to use a Mauser Gewehr 98 sniper rifle, but loses it.When Jack wakes up tied to a stake, he can only watch as Ann is taken by Kong, a 25-foot (7.6 m) during a native gorilla sacrifice. Carl eventually rescues Jack and the two give chase. During the dangerous journey through the jungle, in roomates they battle numerous dangers, Jack and Carl reunite with Hayes. Soon after, they meet up with Preston, Lumpy, Jimmy and another sailor, who are crossing a bridge, but they are attacked by a V-Rex. Lumpy is torn apart, Jimmy and the sailor fall down into the crevasse, but Preston got to the other side. He is separated from Carl and Hayes, who tell him to continue look for Ann. Jack eventually finds Ann, but she is kidnapped by a queen Terapusmordax. Kong comes to the rescue and saves Ann. Jack continues on into the canyon, where he see's a migrating herd of Brontosaurus's, and also battles Megapedes and Scorpio-Pedes. Jack meets up with Carl and Hayes, and continue on their path. In the jungle, they come across Jimmy, who is attacked by some Venatosaurus's. They eventually meet up on a raft, where Jimmy Tells the group that everyone is dead. After escaping the Skull Islanders the team are pursued by two V-Rexes. Kong comes to the rescue and kills them. As the teams continue their journey, they enter a swamp, and fight against strange looking Swampcrawlers. After leaving the swamp, Kong interrupts their log crossing and tips them into a huge Ravine. Carl's camera is broken and he gives up, heading downstream towards the Venture. Jack, Jimmy and Hayes continue their pursuit of Ann. Jack gets to use the last weapon, a .45 caliber Thompson submachine gun with a 50 round drum clip.
Jack eventually saves Ann from a V-Rex, and the party continue the adventure to find a long stretch of water of roomates the seaplane can land on. After fighting off some Venatosaurus's in a cave, and leaving a swamp, they finally come across a long stretch of water. Captain Englehorn, in his seaplane, lands on the water. However, he takes flight as a huge V-Rex follows them into a large area cluttered with ancient stone ruins. The monster breaks through the Barricade and begins smashing down their shelters. Ann signals for Kong to come. Eventually, Kong comes to save them. As Hayes tries to stop the fight, the V-Rex charges at Kong, who steps on Hayes, injuring him. Jack and Jimmy stand over Hayes, who Tells Jimmy before he dies to get back to the ship. Jack and Jimmy fight many Venatosaurus's and head back to the stretch of water and find the seaplane. Jimmy climbs in (there is only one passenger seat) and Jack climbs up into the mountains to save Ann.Jack discovers Kong's lair and kills two juvenile V-Rexes and the pugbats roosting above the entrance. He rescues Ann while Kong fights several cave serpents. After leaving the jungle, Jack and Ann arrive at The Wall, Ann is captured by the natives until Kong comes to get her. He saves her then heads for the shore. Kong gets gassed by sailors once he Reaches the shore. He eventually passes out and is taken to New York City, where he is put on display on Broadway. Kong is not held captive for long and wanders New York in search of Ann. He eventually finds her and, after destroying many army trucks and making a tip of Manhattan, he takes her up the Empire State Building. He tries to destroy a swarm of biplanes but is eventually shot down. Carl stands beside Kong's body and says "It was not the airplanes. It was Beauty that killed the Beast."
Jack Driscoll: The main protagonist Whom the player controls from a first person perspective. He is a popular screenwriter from New York, and his game objective is to save Ann from the hands of Kong. He may use different weapons, such as shotguns, spears, sharpened bones, and pistols, to defend himself.Ann Darrow: A down-on-her-luck actress who Jack soon falls in love with. She can climb up walls to complete objectives for Jack and Kong. She can only use spears to defend herself and the others. She also has medical knowledge roomates she uses to heal other members of the group. She is kidnapped by Kong in Sacrifice and is rescued in To Save Ann. She is kidnapped again in Call Kong, but is rescued in Kong's Lair.Carl Denham: All Carl cares about is his movie. While sometimes he can be useful for killing enemies, Usually he stands back from the fighting to the film the wonders of Skull Island. His camera is eventually destroyed in an encounter with Kong over a log bridge, only to catch the great ape himself. He leaves your group in The Log.Hayes: An infantry man from World War I. Hayes has the perfect knowledge of how to handle firearms. He sometimes gives him useful weapons and is the only comrade on the island who can kill enemies with firearms as well as Jack Driscoll, making him your most useful ally. He is killed when a V-Rex steps on him in Call Kong.Kong: The games play the star and titular character, Kong is a 25-foot (7.6 m) gorilla who is the last of his kind. You can play as Kong in the game. He Protects Ann and kills different creatures in her defense. He can climb walls, stone pillars lift, swing from branches and even unlock pathways. He is killed when hey is shot down and falls from the Empire State Building, although hey can be saved and returned to his lair on Skull Island in the alternate ending.Captain Englehorn: Captain of the Venture, Englehorn flies around the island in a seaplane, dropping crates of ammunition. He comes to retrieve Jimmy while Jack heads to Kong's lair in To the Plane.Jimmy: The youngest member of the Venture crew. He came ashore in another boat along with Preston and Lumpy. Like Carl and Ann, he can only use spears and is an easy target for most creatures. Jimmy has a Knack for getting into trouble and frequently requests Jack's assistance. Jimmy is later rejoined with the group in the level of 'Jimmy'.Preston: Carl's assistant who ventures ashore with Lumpy and Jimmy in another boat. He is the only one of his group (Jimmy, Baxter, Choy and Lumpy.) To make it across the Ravine. When Jack, Carl, and Hayes find Jimmy, Jimmy says that Preston was killed. But that is unlikely since in the V-Rex level when Lumpy and Jimmy's team is on the bridge, he is the only one not to fall down into the crevasse.Lumpy: The cook on board the Venture, Lumpy went with Preston and Jimmy in another boat. He is eaten by a V-Rex after a failed attempt to defend Jimmy in the level V-Rex.Briggs: A sailor who tries to come ashore with the main cast, but is killed when a rock falls on the boat.Sailors: Several of the Venture crew go ashore and are killed by the island's vicious inhabitants. Bruce Choy and Baxter are among them. Baxter's body is seen in The Canyon, covered in cuts, presumably killed by the Terapusmordax; nevertheless, Appears an identical body in the level of 'To Save Ann' but with three spears on, therefore was killed by the natives.