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Paid to click (Finnish paid to click) means the pages, which will be paid for (usually one cent) when you look for a certain period the ad. In general, there are some dozens of ads, but there are exceptions. When ads are viewed a certain amount of, for example, $ 10 is earned, the money can be transferred to a bank account online, mostly AlertPay or PayPal account.

Sites can also be purchased so-called referraaleja. Referraalit are registered user personally invited by the link. When a user calls a person paid to click site that makes $ referraalin ad clicking a single inch of his kutsujansakin not get the money, usually in the same amount, ie one cent. In this way, websites are getting more users and users of more income. Referraaleja most sites can buy or rent, but their activity is of course can not be guaranteed. In addition, many of these are potentially referraalit bots, do not really existing individuals. Bots click on the money with their buyers, but in the end they will cease to operate.
It is also tagged with a number of so-called. autoklikkereitä, 'considering' ads on PTC behalf of the user, and the user earns the money. Autoklikkerit are almost always prohibited, because the ads are intended for users to watch, and the main source of income.
Pages work in such a way that the ad is pressed, the user earns one cent, the page goes to the owner of one cent, and if the user is a referraali, he earns one cent. When there are thousands of active users, and they all earn about ten cents a day, page owners earn up to hundreds of dollars a day
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