Thanks to For All My Visitors In This Blog :')
How Your Opinion in My Blog Comment Below :)
Happy New Year 2013 to you!
May every great new day
bring you sweet surprises
a happiness buffet.
Happy New Year 2013 to you,
and when the new years done,
may the next year be even better,
full of Pleasure joy and fun!
Happy New Year 2013!
Grant that I
May bring no tear to any eye
When this New Year in time shall end
Let it be said Ive played the friend
Have lived and loved and labored here
And made of it a happy year.
May this new year bring many opportunities to your way,
to explore every joy of life
And may your resolutions for the days ahead stay firm,
turning all your dreams into reality
and all your efforts into great achievements.
Happy New Year 2013.
May your new year be blessed
with peace, love and joy.
Sending you my heartfelt wishes
With joy that never ends.
Wishing you a very
Happy New Year
May each day of the New Year
Bring happiness, good cheer
And sweet surprises
To you and all your dear ones!
Happy New Year!
Years come and go,
but this year,,
I specially wish for you a double dose of health and happiness topped with loads of good fortune..
Made no resolutions for the New Year. The habit of making plans, of criticizing, sanctioning and molding my life, is too much of a daily event for me.
Memorable moment r celebrated together,
You are my best friend for now forever,
Make me Miss You even more this New Year,
Happy New Year 2013
Hope this year bring Happiness for you Dear.
Happiness deep down within.
Serenity with each sunrise.
Success in each facet of your life.
Family beside you.
Close and caring friends .
Health, inside you.
Love that never ends.
Happy New Year 2013
Special memories of all the yesterdays .
A bright today with much to be thankful for .
A path that leads to beautiful tomorrows.
Dreams that do their best to come true.
Appreciation of all the wonderful things about you.
Wishing you lots of Happiness , Success , Love n Good health.
May you deal with hardship and trial the same way you deal with success and happiness.
May you actually achieve your New Years resolutions, instead of flaking out within the first few weeks like every year past.
May you succeed where no one else has succeeded before,
May you fail when it will help you to learn a new lesson,
And may you triumph over your failure and rise to ultimate success.
Before the sun sets in this year,
Before the memories fade,
Before the net works get jammed
Wish u and ur family Happy Sparkling New Year 2013
Forget ur Fear,
Let all ur Dreams be Clear,
Never put Tear, Please Hear,
I want to tell one thing in ur Ear
Wishing u a very Happy NEW YEAR