Flashing a Custom Recovery on your Asus Padfone will enable you to install custom ROMs, Mods and all sorts of flashable content on your device. While these aren’t the only things you can do with a custom recovery, it offers you to make nandroid backups, wipe off the data on your device and so on. This guide shows how you can flash a custom recovery on your Asus Padfone device. So, follow it and get some recovery love on your device:
I. Before You Begin:
2. This will replace your current recovery with the TWRP Recovery.
3. Your device needs to have at least 60% of battery life left.
II. Downloading Required Files:
III. Flashing a Custom Recovery on the Asus Padfone:
1. Get the GooManager app installed on your device by following the download link given above.
2. Once it’s been installed, launch it from your App Drawer.
3. Press the Menu key and select Install OpenRecovery option.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions.
5. And you’re done!
Excellent! You’ve successfully flashed TWRP Recovery on your Padfone and this enables you to further customize your device with various custom ROMs!