How Many People know about rooting of android...??? Let me guess - almost all Android user knows, but if you you ever thought "you can unlock your mobile device by rooting android". you have proved "WRONG". Rooting android doesn't make android market free nor unlock your device and lock your phone for unlock phones. But rooting android device.
Let me tell you about rooting and How to root your android device in 1 Click with SuperOnceClick , it's takes only 5 minutes.
*What is Rooting and Advantage or Rooting Android device?
According to wikipedia "Rooting is a process that allows users of mobile phones and other devices running the Android operating system to attain privileged control (known as "root access") within Android's Linux subsystem with the goal of overcoming limitations that carriers and manufacturers put on some devices. It is analogous tojailbreaking on devices running the Apple iOS operating system." ,in Simple words by rooting your device you can gain full control over your android OS, root allows you to run as "superuser", you can remove and add stuff to device memory, change ROM backup of installed applications.
*Advantages of Rooting Android
1. Run special applications like
SuperUser which allows you to give permit any program to gain root access or deny.
Task Manager allows you to kill apps similarly you do in your windows or linux based system.
Use your handset 3G, 2G internet on your laptop via wifi by Tether apps for rooted android device more detail here.
Other apps which require rooted android device.
2. Backup your android system
3. You can again relocate your ( browswer/maps/market) cache to /SDcard
4. You can relocate your installed applications to your /SDcard
5. You can easily reboot your phone by terminal apps with commands ( su<enter> reboot <enter> )
6. Give you more speed by freeing up memories.
7. use Custom ROM, and if you are good graphic designer give an awesome looks to your android by making themes, icon, and gfx.
*Dis-Advantages of Rooting Android
1. You'll lose your phone warrenty so once you rooted it don't try to bring back to service center.
2. some chances of risk of brickingyour phone.
*Let's Learn How to ROOT android device.
We are going to learn how to root android device in just 1 click with SuperOnceClicktools. you can almost root all your android version including latest i9000, Droid, Nexus One, etc.
Warning: from this point we are not responsible if your phone get bricked, you are going to voiding your phone warranty by following this tutorial, software are unpredictable in nature. so my friends tread it carefully, and yeah one more thing "This tutorial is only for educational purposes only".
Step 1 - Downlaod
SuperOnceClick currently v2.2 with zergRush and extract the file with winrar or any other utilites.
Step 2 - This program require .NET 2.0+ for windows operating system. like windows XP , windows-7 comes inbuilt with .NET so don't worry about it. get .NET from
here. if you are linux or Mac User you need Mono v1.2.6+ get it from
here. if you have any problem to get works SuperOnceClick in linux or mac OS,
xda forum will help you out.
Step 3 -Plug-in your Phone into your computer or laptop via USB cable, go to SuperOneClick folder andright click on "SuperOneClick.exe" select run as administrator & click on "ROOT",it will say "waiting for device" then go to your phone you'll get prompt. DO NOT MOUNT SD CARD( this way you'll brick your phone ), select Charge phone and then turn on USB debugging mode go to your phone click on setting > application> development > check box USB this way you'll get notification on your system tray "installing device drivers for software"let it done. if you'll not get notifiy you should again disconnect your phone and brink it back hit the Root in SuperOneClick and set phone to USB debugging mode, you'll see it.
Now wait for 30 seconds it will automatically root your device, and you'll get notify by a pop window "Your device is Rooted".