HTC One VX is also a high speced smartphone from HTC in the line of One, this is powered by a dual core processor, also supports 2G, 3G and 4G network, but the camera is mid range which is a 5 megapixel, i will teach you how to get root access this device, with having root access to this device you can install many rooted apps available in Play Store and also you can overclock it, you can do much and more customization.
I. Before You Begin:
1. This method will void the warranty of your HTC One VX
2. The following procedure works on Windows based PCs only.
II. Downloading Required Files:
III. Rooting the HTC One VX:
1. Place the Root Package archive on the Desktop of your PC.
2. Extract files from the archive to your Desktop. Don’t launch any files just yet.
3. Turn ON the USB debugging option on your device by heading to Menu>>Settings>>Developer options>>USB debugging.
4. Turn OFF the device.
5. Reboot the device into Fastboot mode. To do so, simply hold down the Volume DOWN+Power buttons together.
6. Once inside the Fastboot mode, connect the device to your PC using the USB cable.
7. Open a Command Prompt Window on your Desktop. To do that, hold down the Shift button on your keyboard and right-click on any empty area on the screen, then select Open command window here.
8. Type in following command into the Command Prompt Window:
fastboot flash boot boot.img
9. Once it’s done, issue the following command:
fastboot reboot
10. Your device will reboot. Once it boots up, enter the following command:
adb remount
11. Next, enter following commands into the Command Prompt Window one-by-one. Press ENTER after each line you type:
adb push Superuser.apk /system/app/
adb push su /system/xbin/
adb shell mkdir /system/bin/.ext
adb push .su /system/bin/.ext/
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/xbin/su
adb shell chmod 6755 /system/bin/.ext/.su
adb shell chmod 777 /system/bin/.ext
adb shell ln -s /system/xbin/su /system/bin/su
adb reboot
12. Your device will reboot in normal mode.
13. Once it boots up, simply open the Superuser app from your App Drawer.
14. Tap the Update binaries button in the app and let it do the rest of the work.
15. And you’re all done!
Brilliant! Your device has been successfully rooted and the SU binaries have also been updated. Now load-up some root-only apps on your device to realize the power of root-access!