Before You Begin:
- Works in any device using Android 4.2 and higher.
- Enable USB Debugging in your Android device. Click Here if you don't know how to enable.
- Make sure your device is charged more than 50%
Download Required Files:
How To Install Android Kitkat Launcher:
- Download the Android Kitkat Launcher zip file in your computer.
- Unzip the zip file and you will get three files in it.(GoogleHome.apk,PrebuiltGmsCore.apk,Velvet.apk)
- Copy all this apk file in your device's memory card or in internal memory.
- Open your device Settings>Security & Privacy> Allow Unknown Sources installation in your device.
- Now open the folder where all three apk file are copied.
- Install Velvet.apk file first in your device.After successful installation
- Now install PrebuiltGmsCore.apk in your device.
- In last install GoogleHome.apk file in your device.
Congrats...Android Kitkat Launcher is successfully installed in your device...Enjoy :D