9993456789999 99934567899910 9993456789993 9993456789991
99934567899911 99934567899912 ANDROID VERSION 99934567899913 2.2 and up 99934567899911 99934567899914 99934567899915 99934567899916 Description: 99934567899917 99934567899918 3D Sphere 3D Launcher ThemeSpecially Made for Next
Sphere 3D real scene , a theme of hard metal. ! The theme of technical research that will shine your phone
=== > Mainly features:
- For 3D Launcher Next
- unique and exclusive
Bubble Icons - 3D real scene skin
- Theme 2D skinned
1 Make sure the latest version of the upcoming V205 3D launcher has been installed ! ( Search "Next 3D Launcher " to download) 2
After purchase, do not forget to click to open a theme does not appear in the list of topics or themes .
3 Thus, in the correct sequence is : buy theme -install Google Play - OPEN - reinstall - is
4 ! Apply the theme . MENU - > Individual -> Installed Themes -> Choose a theme Sphere
5 Now open the settings and apply
6 Switch to 3D scene mode Again , apply the 3D theme in section 7 theme
Enjoy it
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change the look of your phone, Gnokkia Themes !
If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions for our issues , do not hesitate to tell us. Thank you very much 99934567899919 99934567899914 99934567899914 99934567899916 What's New 99934567899920 Full support for both 3D and 2D scene 99934567899921 . 99934567899920 99934567899920 99934567899920 99934567899921 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899923 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899923 99934567899923 if the problem persists download 99934567899923
99934567899920 99934567899921 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899923 Photography use the browser to download 99934567899921 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899923 99934567899922 99934567899923 remember to uncheck "download manager with our" 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899922 99934567899923 / > ******************
9993456789997 Google Play Store < / b>
< b> Cost: - RS170
Download Full Version here: -
9993456789998 9993456789992
file size: 40 MB < / b>