Tondo UCCW Weather Clock Skin 1.0 Android APK - To download the Application Tondo UCCW Weather Clock Skin 1.0 Android APK free in , your Android phone has been rooted . . for all applications can run in this blog, all applications in my blog is a full version and get Apk or zip download is very simple: select the desired file and click "Download Tondo UCCW Weather Clock Skin 1.0 APK Android " Just a few easy steps and you appreciate the Android Application Tondo UCCW Weather Clock Skin 1.0 APK Android
Tondo UCCW Weather Clock Skin 1.0 Android APK
- 36 skin xx1 contains link to
Battery - Facebook
- Falcon Pro
Gmail - Google
- Hangout
- Clock
- YouTube
- phone
- . with weather icons and tempetature
Each skin has a black or white background transparent
If the skin does not appear in the list of the skin try this
( requires ROOT! ) - Launch titanium backup and scroll through the list of installed applications
- Saving the
Application - Restore and should set
If you do not have a rooted device , contact us and we will send you a solution ;-) If you
. no problem, do not be a star but contact us :)
Version: 1.0
Size: 4.3 MB
Requires Android: 2.2 and up