How To Change The Boot Animation To Scary In HTC One
You have seen the default boot animation of HTC One and have seen the simple HTC Logo and the slogan below it. Now if you want to scare some one or have some fun with your boot animation so here are some list so you can download and flash it via Recovery so you can change it what you want. Get ready to Change the Boot Animation Of HTC One.
Before You Begin: (must do)1. How To Flash CWM Recovery On HTC One2. HTC Drivers must be installed on you PC, if not go to: HTC USB Drivers
Downloads: (choose the right package file from list for your device and ROM, below we have screen shots and names)1. Scary Animations List
Installation:1. Download the above any of package for you ROM and device.2. Move the package zip file into the internal storage of your device.3. Reboot your phone into recovery mode by pressing and holding Volume Down + Power Button at the same time for some time dont leave buttons until the phone boots into HBoot Menu, then click on Recovery. Your phone will be in recovery mode.4. In recovery mode, click Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard and click on that animation zip file and then click Yes, to install it.5. After installation reboot your system and Enjoy the New animation.
Screen Shots:
[scary bw]
[scary bw]
[scary girl]
[scary rec]