How To Flash ClockWorkMod Recovery On Samsung Galaxy S5 SM-G900F
Recently we have just Rooted the latest Samsung Galaxy S5 over here, But only root access don't give us the ability to Flash ZIP package files, themes, tweaks etc. For this purpose we need the custom recovery ClockWorkMod recovery which is very important in this case. Now this article is about Flashing a ClockWorkMod recovery on your Samsung Galaxy S5. This recovery will enable us To Flash ZIP package files which includes system apps, tweaks, themes, ROMs etc. This recovery also helps us to write some other types of permissions etc. Now Get ready to Flash CWM Recovery On Samsung Galaxy S5.
Before You Begin: (must do)1. You have must rooted your Galaxy S5, if not so go to: How to Root Samsung Galaxy S5
Downloads:1. cwm-swipe.img
Installation:1. Download the above img file.2. Install Flashify app on your Samsung Galaxy S5 from here or here.3. Now open Flashify app and In Flash Tab click the Recovery image. As shown Below:4. click the Recovery Image and choose the cwm-swipe.img file and then go on the Instructions to proceed. 5. Your clockworkmod cwm recovery will be flashed successfully.