[Hard reset]
All Sony & Ericsson Andorid phone
(for Google lock - User lock - delete data)
I see this posts every day in Forum and i think about a thorough post for
Hard reset Sony & Ericsson Andorid phone !!!!
When you use hard reset :
- Your is hang or delete data
- Forgotten password
- Google lock
And ...
Attention :
After hard reset you lose lose everything on phone
How to Hard reset :
1.When you see ((mobile show google lock)) Or ((pattern)) Or ... click on emergency call
2.Type this code : *#*#7378423#*#*
3.After type you see
*service info
*service setting
*service texts
*customization setting
4.select customization setting
5.Select reset customization
6.In the last Click on Reset Customization and reboot
After reboot hard reset is complete !!!!!
I test this way on :
St15 - St18 - Sk17 - Lt15 - Lt18 - Mt25 - St17 - St21 - St25 - lt26 - Mt11 - St26 - And .......
If this way not work :
If this way not work on your phone you shoud flash it .(flash with setool Or Flashtool Or Update service Or EMMA Or ...)