NAXOS ROM NB7 4.4.2 For Samsung Galaxy Note 3 SM-N9005
Samsung Galaxy Note 3 was with Android 4.3 Jellybean by default and now it also got a major update of Android 4.4.2 KitKat version which is the latest version of Android. Now people also want their smartphone to be more smooth, look stunning etc and they do various types of modifications, also the developers try hard to make a new whole custom ROMs which contains a new UI, new fonts, new icons etc and when all of these are applied so the smartphone looks awesome.
Here we came up with a new ROM called NAXOS ROM which is based on the latest Android 4.4.2 Firmware and it is also customized. Now this ROM contains much and more features which is notable such as Pre-Rooted (you don't need to root your smartphone agian), All of the latest Samsung Galaxy S5 apps are ported to it such as S Health, S Translator, S Voice , S Video etc. Below is the list of features you may like it.
Features:- Android 4.4.2
- Smoother
- Base NB7
- Deodexed
- Rooted
- Stock kernel
- Zipaligned
- Aroma installer
- Removed Knox
- Support init.d
- Builb.prop tweaks
- Unlimited SMS recipients
- Keyboard with secondary symbols (all languages)
- BusyBox
- Shutter Sound Menu in Camera Settings
- Exit menu in stock web browser
- Scrooling cache disabled
- App S-video Galaxy S5
- App S-Translator Galaxy S5
- App S-Voice Galaxy S5
- App SecMyFile Galaxy S5
- Sound NOKIA X
- Battery Life
- Flash Player
- Adaway
Now we are installing this ROM on Samsung Galaxy Note 3 so it is easy to do but please follow the steps carefully.Before You Begin: (must do)1. You should first flash a Custom Recovery on Samsung Galaxy Note 3, please go to: CWM Recovery On Samsung Galaxy Note 3.2. How To Root Samsung Galaxy Note 3
Installation: method#11. Download the above ROM zip file.2. Move this file to the internal storage of your device.3. Reboot your system into recovery mode, by hold and press Volume Up + Home Button + Power Button at the same time, for some time, don't leave the buttons until the phone reboots and Samsung logo appears, when Samsung logo appears leave all buttons but keep pressed Volume Up Button, so your phone will reboot in recovery mode. If you have still problem in rebooting recovery please use this app Recovery Rebooter4. Now in recovery (for navigation use Volume Up/Down and for click use Home/Power button), Wipe data/cache5. Install zip from sdcard > Choose zip from sdcard and find the ROM zip file where you downloaded it before, click that file and then click Yes, to proceed installation.6. After installation reboot your system. Enjoy New ROM.
Installation: method#21. If you have still problem in the above first installation method so this is the alternative.2. Your phone must be rooted as above link is given.3. Move the ROM zip file to your internal storage of your device.4. Download and install Flashify app from here (pro version) or here (playstore link).5. Now Open the Flashify app.6. In the Flash tab click on the ZIP file to flash a zip file.7. Find your ROM zip file and Proceed the instructions if given.8. After installation Restart your system Enjoy.
Screen Shots: here are some screen shots you may like it.