H1. Main Screen Recovery |
In a previous tutorial on install cook rom, I have to mention the issue up the cook rom zip format. What ever rom you will face when crestfallen difficult to implement, so today I wrote this article to guide you to a basic knowledge of Clock Work Mod Recovery (CWM) in the up Mod rom.
There are two methods to install Cook rom depend on the type given by the Moder rom is Rom Zip format and Restore format.
1. what's 4 wipe ?
In CWM Recovery main screen, you will see 2 wipe is a wipe data / factory reset and Wipe Cache Partition, in the Advanced section will be added Wipe davik Cache and Wipe Battery Stats . Whether you choose to perform 4 this command is performed 4 wipe (wipe all data). Sometimes in some of the CWM - Wipe Battery Stats do not have position, only 3 wipe is enough. The full Wipe section is required and must be made prior before flash Mod rom.
2. Install Rom Zip
- Copy Zip cook rom into internal memory
- Reboot into Recovery, choose Install Zip will into H2.
H2. Màn hình Up rom Zip |
At here , Choose Zip from sdcard ( go to H3).
H3. Màn hình duyệt file rom zip |
At H3 , choose Zip rom file , then Yes for install. Wait installed, back out to the main recovery screen, you should wipe again 4 to clean your computer and then select Reboot System Now to enjoy the newly installed ROM.
3. Up rom RestoreWith Restore ROM format , The Moder compressed into one RAR or ZIP files, you need to read the instructions tp know for the rom restore . there is a way to know it is rom Restore , Open compresser file Rar or zip ,then open the subfolder inside if you see *.tar and *.md5 file extension then it is rom restore.
How to Up rom Restore : Extrack file zip ( or Rar) will be "Clockworkmod/backup/******" then ClockworkMod folder you copy into memory. If decompression is just a folder you create a folder 'ClockworkMod / backup /' in internal memory, then copy the unzipped folder to the Backup folder. Done then boot into CWM Recovery.
At the main screen, select Backup and Restore will screen as H4
H4. Màn hình Backup and Restore |
Here, select Restore, the screen will contain the name of the rom directory copied into memory, click the name of the rom, select Yes to Restore ROM on your computer.
Summary Up rom zip and Restore format so you have to look in more detail in the course flash cook rom. There are some problems such as the ROM copy into memory card, the process of doing the same but the items will be a little different. You should dabble more to learn.
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