Learn How to Downgrade Your Samsung Galaxy Gear from Tizen to Android with easy method and instructions.
I. Before You Begin
1. This procedure only applies to the original Samsung Galaxy Gear (SM-V700) running Tizen; do not try this on the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2.
2. Make sure you have the
necessary drivers installed for this procedure to work before you start.
II. Necessary Downloads
1. SM-V700_tizen_to_android.zip [Download link available in
this post]
III. Flashing Android to Samsung Galaxy Gear
1. Extract SM-V700_tizen_to_android.zip to a folder on your desktop.
2. Extract the Odin_v3.09.zip file you downloaded above to a folder on your desktop.
3. From the extracted folder, double-click on Odin3 v3.09.exe to run the tool.
4. Put your device into recovery mode. To do this, with the device on, press and hold the power button until you see the message ‘rebooting.’ Now, press the power button a few times until you see a menu; use the Volume Up and Down buttons to select Download, then press and hold the Power button.
5. Connect your device to your PC using a compatible USB cable. The ID:COM field on Odin should now light up blue and you should see the “ADDED!” message to signify that your device is connected and recognized properly. If not, reinstall drivers and try again.
5. Click on AP button, locate 1_dn_android.tar from the extracted SM-V700_tizen_to_android folder and click on OK to load it on Odin. Click on the PIT button, locate ls02_android.pit and click on OK to load it on to Odin.
5. Make sure that the Re-Partition and Flash Lock are unchecked, and only Auto-Reboot is checked. This is important as you might brick your device if these options are ticked!
6. Click on Start.
7. Once you see the message ‘PASS,’ let your device reboot.
IV. Flashing Android Recovery
Follow the same steps as in Section III, but use the 2_recovery.img.tar file this time. Let your device reboot once done.
You have now successfully downgraded your Samsung Galaxy Gear to Android!