Here are few basic and simple steps to improve android battery life:See What’s Consuming more Battery Power: Go to Settings > About Phone > Battery Use to see an organized breakdown of what’s consuming your phone’s battery. Applications and features will display in a descending list of battery hogs. If you see an application you barely use or a feature you never use, uninstall the app or turn off the feature.
Test your Battery: It is a good option to test how long your phone’s battery can last. It is very useful in determining whether the changes you’re making are indeed improving the matter, or making it even worse!Battery Graph (free, on the Market) is a great application for this. You can download it fromGoogle Play Store. Reduce Screen Brightness: You can reduce the screen brightness in order to make your battery life last for longer time. To do so, go to Settings >> Display >> Brightness, here you can automatically choose to adjust the brightness or just turn the brightness down to the lowest possible level.
Reduce the Screen Timeout: This feature of your device may be known to you but, we will define it in one line, the lower the time-out, the better is the battery life. But for Smartphones an ideal time would be 1 minute, that’s because there are a lot more features on these phones and sometimes you are just lost or waiting for a process to complete.
Disable Animated Wallpaper: The sweet and animated wallpaper may look appealing to you but these are in no instance better for your device. You can keep a Black wallpaper or a dark theme. This way you will lessen the battery consumption of your device.
Uninstall Unused Apps: Once you open an app on your Android phone it remains active in the background, even when you close it. It is better if you manually close the apps (process is much simpler on ICS (Android 4.0) OS and above). This will not only help manage memory but also put fewer loads on the CPU which in turn will improve battery life.
Change your Charging Pattern: Charge only when you get a message “battery is low – connect to charger” usually at 15% power and make sure you charge it to 100%. You need to follow this process for extended battery life and performance. It is also advisable to switch off the services that are not in use while charging. Furthermore, to speed up the charging process you can even switch off the phone.
Switch Off Unrequired Services: If you are not using services like: Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth etc. then you should switch them off. It makes no sense in keeping them ON, they keep on consuming battery if kept active. Even the data connection if possible, this will ensure your phone saves that extra Battery life and even last longer.
Install a Task Manager to see What’s Always Running:It is advised to have a copy of Advanced Task Cleaner or a similar application installed on your phone to help you kill applications that don’t need to be running, but more so that you can see what exactly is launching itself repeatedly in the background. You can setup an auto-kill list of applications you don’t use that often—make them cut off when you shut off the screen, or after an interval.
Battery Saving Apps: Battery Saving apps are like a key to your problems. There are many apps available in Android market which will ultimately help you to save some of your battery life.
You can find some of the apps at Google Play Store.
The methods discussed here will not help you to save 100% of your battery life.